Deceitful Part 1/2

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SUMMARY: Spencer helps Amanda (a recovering victim of domestic violence rescued by the BAU) by spending time with her, which makes Y/N mad because he barely had time to spend with her originally because of his job. Now, argument after argument, Y/N has suspicions Spencer's intentions may not be so pure after all.



NOTE: This is my first time ever posting any of my writing so please bear with me!! 

***Feedback is always welcome for future improvement!


"Hey, Emily long time no see," you smile, walking through the entry of the BAU, hands full with Spencer's lunch which he had left at home early this morning.

"Hey, Y/N it's been so long, what are you doing here?" she asks, grabbing stacks and stacks of what I assume are new case files, once again reminding me of their hectic and highly dangerous job.

"I just came to drop off Spencer's lunch; he left it at home again this morning. Do you know where he is?" You ask curiously. Emily's face drops slightly, but enough for me to notice her change in demeanour. She looks as if she's struggling to come up with an answer. Being in the FBI, you'd think she would be a better liar, or at least look more convincing.

"Oh, uh – he's, um – actually already gone out for lunch... with Amanda. They left about 25 minutes ago," She says, looking down to the floor. My stomach twisted in nervous knots, feeling both disappointment and uneasiness.

"T-they?" You're afraid to ask. This was the third time this week Spencer has gone out for lunch with Amanda, and while you usually wouldn't be concerned about Spencer making new friends, in fact, you would encourage it, this time something felt... different. Amanda was a victim they rescued from a life-threatening domestic violence dispute four weeks ago. According to Spencer, she didn't have any family or friends left due to her then abusive husband pushing her away from everyone she knew and loved. She has no one.

You let out a heavy sigh, placing Spencer's lunch on his desk and looking back at Emily, who looks sympathetic. "I know what you're thinking, Y/N, but this is Spencer we're talking about. I don't think you have anything to worry about - he adores you... you know that" She tells you reassuringly. You believe Emily's words of comfort because deep down, you know she's right. From the moment you and Spencer met at the college you attend when he was teaching a class, it was a match made in heaven. The two of you hit it off so quickly, getting to know each other and already planning a second meeting before even finishing your first one.

"I know I know, and I understand she doesn't have anyone right now and I think it's very considerate of Spencer to help her get back on her feet but... and I may sound horrible for saying this, but... I-I just hope she doesn't try to take advantage of his kindness and mistake it for something else."

"Remember he loves you and wouldn't do anything to jeopardise that, Amanda just needs a little bit of guidance right now, I'm sure you can try to understand that. Being isolated from every person you love for so long by someone who is meant to be your husband, then all of a sudden have everything taken away from you. Not to mention all the physical and psychological pain she must have been feeling." Emily explains. Maybe I sound paranoid.

You smile at Emily, grateful for her advice.

"Thanks, Emily. I'm just being paranoid. I'm sure everything is fine." However, at this point, I don't know who I am trying to convince more - myself or Emily.

"Do you want to come and see the others? I'm sure they would all love to see you again," Emily encourages, trying to get my mind off of Spencer and Amanda.

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