Chapter 1

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Allie's POV

"No, nutella is better." I stated as we walked in through the school doors.

"Whatever you say." Ashton said with a chuckle.

We walked through the hallways as we reached our lockers, getting all the things we need for our first period. We continued talking as we walked to the others, and by others we mean Luke, Calum, and Michael.

We had most of our classes together. Actually, Ashton is in all of my classes. But we're all together in our first class, which is Math. And to say that I hate it is an understatement. I despise it so much. But the weird thing is I get grades like B- or C+. I guess I just know or understand the problem well.

"So, are you guys having band practice?" I asked randomly.

"Yeah. You coming?" Ashton questioned.

"Sure." I replied.

They continued to talk as I looked down at my shoes, still walking, a habit I do when I have nothing to say or when I'm extremely bored.

"Right Al?" Luke asked me.

"Hmm, what? Yeah, sure." I replied, continuing to stare down at my shoes.

Luke chuckled.


"You have no idea what I said." He replied.

"Yeah... I just found my shoes more interesting."

"Meaning you're extremely bored." He chuckled again.


The bell rang meaning time for class, so we headed there, on time because of our walk, which kinda felt long now that I think of it.

The day passed as a blur, as we were already walking home. We said goodbyes to the boys as they reached their destinations.

Me and Ashton continued our walk, since we are neighbors (the other boys lived a couple blocks away). We talked about random things until our homes were in front of us. I welcomed myself into Ashton's home, since we pretty much gotten used to coming in to each other's homes.

"Hi Mrs. Irwin." I said to Ashton's mom.

"Allison, I told you to call me Anne."

"And I told you to call me Allie. But I'm still calling you Mrs. Irwin" I yelled to her as I went up to Ashton's room with him.

"So..." I started. "What're we gonna do?"

"We got nothing better to do so, let's head to boys?" He questioned me.

"Sure." I answered.

Once we got to Luke's house, we saw the rest there, so they decided to do band practice. I stayed and listened to them practice as I hummed along with the music.

Once they had finished, we all decided to head to our homes and rest.

I still went with Ashton, since it was still pretty early and I had nothing better to do anyway.

* * *

By the time it was about 10 o'clock I decided to head home. But me and Ashton still communicated using our phones to text each other about the most random things.

It turns out we text a lot, 'cause by the time we decided to sleep, it was already 3 am. I guess we like each others company.

I decided to check our messages again. I reread the last message once more as it said:

'kay, love you, now go to sleep :P

love you too and goodnight to you too Ash.

Sometimes I like to think those words meant more, but all we are is friends and nothing more...



So that's my first story, sorry it's kinda short and if it's really boring, hopefully it will be better tomorrow. So anyways, hope you enjoyed the first chapter and please feel free to comment anything you think should be better or what you think about it.

I might update the second chapter tomorrow or in the next few days, since it will be New Year. So.. Happy New Year and have a good day!! :)

Just Friends (5SOS Fanfic) *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now