Chapter 3

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Allie's POV

We were still rocking in the swings that we were seated on.

I lifted my gaze from the shimmering lake and scanned Ashton's face. He gaze was still out ahead in front of him, but he looked deep in thought.

"So...  we should head back now, " I was the first to break the silence.

His snapped out of his trance once the words came out of my mouth.

"Oh, uh, yeah let's head back."

I gave a small smile, him replying by giving one back.

We got up from the swings and started our walk back.

We got to our homes in a matter of minutes.

Ashton walked me to my house, even though I lived just acrossed his. His mind still seemed to be somewhere else as his gaze was on the ground.

I walked up the first steps to my porch the turned around.

"Bye Ash," I said giving him a smile.

"Bye Allie," he replied returning the smile, his dimples popping out.

I walked up the last steps and opened my door, I turned around giving a wave goodbye to Ashton as he was still a couple of feet away, he gave one back and turned to walk to his home.

I was a little famished, as I haven't eaten anything yet. I walked into my kitchen and opened the fridge in search of something to eat. I decided on eating an apple since it was the only thing I could find.

I walked into my living room, the apple in one hand, I seated on the couch holding the remote with my other hand. I searched for something to watch and stopped it on Pretty Little Liars, letting it entertain me before sleep took over me.

* * * *
I woke up in the living room couch, checking the time on the clock hanging on the wall. It was 8:15 pm and I gotten home in around 6:55.

My hand was wet, due to the apple still in my hand looking a bit rotten. I got up to throw the apple and went to wash my hand in the kitchen's sink. My mom was there cooking what seemed to be spaghetti, when she noticed me.

"Oh, Allie you're awake. I saw that apple in your hand and realized you haven't eaten dinner." My mum stated.

"Oh, okay. Can I help?" I asked.

"No, it's fine, do something, I've got this." She answered, shooing me away.

"Okay, " I said to her, going upstairs.

I went to my room and did a little studying for next week's test.

After a couple of minutes of studying, I decided to text Ashton.

To Ash: Hey, you still there??

After a few seconds, my phone dinged, signaling a message.

Ash: Yeah, what'd you need?

To Ash: Nothing, I'm really bored. Come over?

Ash: Sure, I'll be there in a few minutes.

To Ash: :) 'kay.

Just as said, he came in a few minutes after I sent the text. He gave a quick hello to my mother then headed to my room.

"Al??" He questioned coming in my room.

"Hi... " I replied.

He came in and sat next to me on my bed.

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