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I dove into the pool, a bad idea I might add, because there were more people in this pool than there was water. I landed on something rather hard, looking up, I saw Kemp. "Uh, um, ah, Sorry," I quickly removed myself from the tangled position I was in, as my arms and legs were tangled with his.

"Ashley?" He questioned, looking at me, I knew I wasn't Ashley, but did he? "Kiss me Ashley." He whispered into my ear. So I'm guessing he still thinks I'm Ashley. As I was thinking, I felt warm lips on mine, he slipped his tongue into my mouth, and I noticed it tasted like alcohol. He was drunk. Great. Now I've got to get a drunk Kemp out of a college party. Why me? Why not, as he keeps repeating, Ashley.

"Come on Kemp, let's go," I whispered as I started to try to drag him away. Key word: try. Have you ever tried dragging 250 pounds of muscle. No? Well I don't suggest trying. It was like trying to move a rhino. An extremely fit rhino, but still a rhino. "Kemp, cooperate," I whined still trying to drag him. "Damn it, you're too big Kemp," I panted out, slightly breathless from trying to drag him along.

"I noticed, and yet you haven't even seen me yet," Kemp whispered into my ear, while I mentally cursed him. My face turned five shades of red when I realized what he meant.

I just decided to give up. He could get home by himself. I know it was rude, but he wouldn't come on, so I guess I'm leaving.

I stood on my tiptoes and whispered into his ear, "You know Kemp, unlike every other slut at this party, I don't give a damn about your condom size. So I suggest you quit taking your sweet time, and hurry your ass up."

I waltzed out, but not before I heard an, "Ashley!" from Kemp. Would he ever get my name right when he was drunk?

That did it, I turned around, narrowing my eyes down into slits, "It's Alexia, not Ashley, Asher, Ashton, or any other damn name you can come up with. So get your shit strait. If you plan on getting home tonight, I suggest you follow me and get in the damn car. If not, you can stay here and sleep in the pool. I don't give a fuck Kemp."

I heard the shuffling and splashing of feet, along with the really loud annoying pop music. You know what. He can hitch a ride with someone else, who gives a damn, because as of tonight I couldn't care less.


"Alexia Cor," the principal called out, and I walked on stage, took my diploma, shook hands with him and walked off stage. That's when I ran into a wall, there aren't supposed to be walls out in the middle of the crowd. I looked up, and saw Kemp. "Oh brother," I muttered under my breath.

"You left me at that party last night, alone, I walked home Alex," he whisper shouted at me, while I started at my hands like they held the secrets of the world.

"You kept calling me Ashley, and you kissed me! Then you wouldn't be cooperative and leave the damn thing, so sorry if I ran out if patience with you," I replied back, using the same tone with me. "You were drunk Kemp, damn drunk."

"It was a mistake Alexia, I didn't mean to, or want to kiss you. Much less anything else," he yelled at me, making several people look at us.

I could feel myself tearing up, so I whispered, "I'm the mistake? Huh? Well fuck yourself, I-I don't, whatever!" I ran off, got in my car and sped home.


I'm leaving leaving, I chanted to myself, in my head over and over as I packed up my apartment and stuffed the bags into my car, smiling to myself. I'd gotten a job opportunity in an office a couple states over, but after that happened with Kemp, I was absolutely fine with leaving.

"Alex!" I heard a voice shout, I knew who it was, it's as without a doubt my brother, Vince. "Where"re you going?"

"Away," I shouted back, "I called you last night and told you I was leaving, but if I remember correctly you were with Heidi." I watched laughing as I saw Vince's cheeks go apple red, and he scratched the back of his neck.

I saw a car door open, and braced myself for Heidi, but what I saw surprised me, it was Kemp. He took one look at the bags in my Ford F250, and pleaded, "Alex, I'm sorry, stay."

"I thought I was a mistake," I sneered, raising one eyebrow at him.

"No, Alex, I-I'm sorry ok? Please don't leave," he pleaded again, and I watched him smiling.

"No can do, I told them I'd be there today," I replied, before looking at my brother, "Tell Heidi I said bye." I got in my car, and sped off. Just kidding I didn't speed of, I did the lovely speed limit of forty-five, and made my way north, away from Kemp.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Dec 31, 2014 ⏰

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