BNHA meme 46

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i keep forgetting JSLJFSLFJ

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i keep forgetting JSLJFSLFJ

but anyways, how is everyone doing?? hopefully well! i'm doing okay myself- the only thing that kinda sucks is that my parents both got tested for corona so we're just waiting for the results to come back. my mom works from home but my dad still goes in to his office so it's pretty risky, but they gotta make that coin ya know

also yesterday my mom got an email about what my school is doing in the fall- thankfully we're having in-class lessons. only the preschool, kindergarten, (did i spell that right?) and the elementary side get to take online lessons, but that's fine because i want to go back so badly. the only thing that's weird is that we're not gonna have lockers anymore.. ya see the middle school and high school section of the school shares the same area for lockers and everyone hangs out there during nutrition and passing periods or whatever. that's the only thing really,,,

sorry i've kinda been rambling lol it's just super weird

anyways do y'all know when you're going back to school? i'm going back august 27 :)

that's pretty much it from me! if you read all of that thanks :) have a good day/night!!

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