Roses are red!!🌹

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Blue was your favourite colour.
White you hated with a passion
But, yet you wanted the sky.............

Seeing you I realised,  
not everyone gets what they want.

Roses are red,                                                  Violets are blue,                                            Soul is black,                                                    And yes I am talking about you.

That was what you said to me and it still hurts, so here are my feelings for you, my heartbreaker.

I saw those emerald green eyes,
That look, it captivated me.
Behind those golden brown locks,
My hand roamed in them.
Touching your skin, gold yellow fireworks erupted.
Seeing you was a delight but not long before I knew behind those charming eyes, something else was there.
On a mission,
We set, unravelling each other.
In the process I lost myself to the red-blooded queen, for me who was still my fairytale princess.
Losing myself day by day, breaking my heart, you paved your way.
Craving you only had, for fame and name,
In the process you sold your soul away.
It was then that I realized behind that stunning smile and a beautiful soul,
Lied an evil bitch.
And that realization, help me flew away and out of the cage, that was you.

©2020 Arshnoor Kaur Chadha. All rights reserved.

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