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*time skip to 23rd December*

Harry and cal was packing their bags as they are going home tomorrow but I quickly shouted them into my room because I had their Christmas presents.

I got harry a bottle of grey goose vodka and an off white jumper and I got cal a bottle of ciroc vodka and a pair of Nike shoes.

Me,harry and freezy  all had a brand trip to bali over the new year so that will be fun. The lads all went home for the holidays and I stayed in London my parents ended up staying on holiday until new year so I was alone at Christmas.

25th December...

I woke up alone in the house I got out of bed around 2pm as I had a late night editing I opened my phone to a message from Harry and Ethan

From harry;)
Merry Christmas beautiful sorry I'm not with you but I got u a present look under the tree in my room xx

To Harry;)
Merry Christmas haz ok I'll look in a sec xx

From Ethan:
Merry Christmas baby I'm sorry your alone today but I love you and I'll give you your presents later on today around 6 xxx

To Ethan:
Merry Christmas babe it's ok aha I love you too and see you thennnnnnn xxx

I went into Harry's room like instructed and looked under the tree I saw 3 boxes.

They all had my name on them so I opened them

In the first one it had the dior Jordan 1 shoes that I wanted in them, my mouth dropped and I burst out crying

In the second one it had the biggest bottle of ciroc vodka I have ever seen

And in the third one it had anew MacBook in it

Harry knee I needed a new one but I wasn't gonna pay that much for one I FaceTimed him straight away to thank him.

An/ hey so this isn't very long but the next few chapters are gonna be better

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Xo Beth.

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