Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

It has now been 2 months and my little Rosalinda is a year old. In the last two months we have witnessed my baby's intelligence skyrocket to that of a five-year-old. At first it was concerning for she was walking and eating things that a one-year-old should not. After taking her to the doctor he realized her intelligence was higher than it should be.

Afterwards, I started reaching out to my contacts trying to find out exactly who and where my little Rosalinda came from. So far all we know is that she is part fairy and part werewolf as well as part human. My contacts think that her werewolf comes from her fairy part, but we are still unsure. Rosie has been getting very attached and my parents are concerned about how she is going to have a normal life if she stays in my life like this. They want me to give her up and go somewhere without her. But what they do not understand is that I have grown just as attached to her as she has to me. I feel that if I leave her then I will die on the inside.

I cannot live without my little Rosalinda. Currently she is sleeping in her little play pen I have in my office while I handle paperwork. A couple days after we arrived home me and my Beta noticed how if I left her in a room by herself then she would have a panic attack. It has gotten better but I must be in the same room when she wakes up. If not, then she can cause some serious damage.

*flash back*

Rosalinda just fell asleep after getting home from the orphanage, so I put her in my room in a pack-n-play we picked up on the way home to sleep for a minute while I inform my best friend, and future Beta, Dominic as well as my parents that I have finally found my mate. Dominic was happy for me while my parents were extremely upset. My parents were hoping that I would either choose my mate, or that my mate would be the woman that they chose, Miranda.

Once my parents realized that I was not going to do what they say, they went and started to "travel", so my father put it. Apparently, he does not think I know my mother does not like my mate. She thinks it will "look bad" that the goddess has fated me with a baby for a mate. So, my father's solution is to take my mother and travel the world.

About a half hour after I put Rosalinda down for her nap, I start hearing screams. I jump up in a panic and run to Rosie's room and discover Miranda hovering over my precious Rosie's bed holding her throat trying to pull breath into her lungs. All the while Rosie laid there screaming with a yellow glow shinning around her. I run over and pick-up Rosalinda and held her to my chest. Once she starts to calm down the light starts to fade, and Miranda is slowly put back down onto the ground.

I turn to Miranda "What the hell do you think you're doing in my room without permission?! Besides that, what the hell did you do to my mate?!?" I growl out.

Miranda tries to look innocent and says, "I heard a noise, so I came to look into it."

I look at her incredulously, "On a floor that you're not allowed on in the first place?"

She looks at me with her jaw slack and eyes wide open. "Exactly, next time I catch you up here or anywhere near my mate without permission I will tear out your throat without even blinking." Her eyes widen further looking like they are going to fall out of her head before she turns and runs away.

"Good riddance." I cuddle a sleeping Rosie to my chest and walk out of my room and back to my office to get back to work.

*end flash back*

After that happened there was an incident where she got mad because she could not have a cookie and started an earthquake. That one I had to intervene and put my foot down. She pouted for about 3 hours sitting in my office. She would not sit on my lap or even acknowledge me unless I left the room. Then she would quietly follow me wherever I went. It was adorable as well as heartbreaking for me.

I was so happy after the third hour mark and she pushed my chair back and climbed onto my lap before cuddling into my chest and falling asleep. Not too long later my mother made a rude comment about her hair and she made a rain cloud appear above her head. I didn't exactly feel bad for my mother after I heard what she said, which was somewhere along the lines of "Your hair is so ugly we should cut it all off. Especially since it has gotten longer. I mean before too long it is going to be on the ground behind you and that is just unacceptable." Yeah, it was one of the rare visits my parents make throughout the year.

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