Just Another Day

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It's a semi-early morning in July when Eijiro wakes up to his alarm, slowly being awoken by Polaris by Blue Encount blaring from his phone. Reaching his arm out from under the covers, Eijiro reaches for his phone from the bedside table before cracking open an eye to stop the song from continuing. After that, he closes his eyes again and gets into a more comfortable position on the bed.

He was just about to fall back to sleep when an arm thinner than his wraps around his waist. A body that Eijiro is oh so familiar with presses against his back, and he feels lips peck his neck before hearing a soft "Ei," whispered into his ear. All Eijiro does in response is put an arm over the one on him.

"Ei, it's time to get up. I don't want to be late for patrol, and you can't afford to be late either." The soft voice whispers in his ear, making Eijiro groan in complaint.

Instead of getting up, the guy turns to the other side and holds his boyfriend loosely in his arms without opening his eyes before getting comfortable again to go back to sleep. He just barely hears a low chuckle before feeling soft pecks being planted all over his face. This time, Eijiro manages to open both of his eyes, his initially blurry vision clearing up to reveal his lover of over three years, Tamaki Amajiki.

Tamaki's dark, hooded eyes are peering at Eijiro with a small smile before he lifts a hand to brush away some of his red hair away from his face. His hair is much messier than it's usual style due to its length compared to when he was at UA, but Eijiro thinks that it makes the man look more adorable than he usually does.

"Mornin'" Eijiro rasps, his morning voice making him sound quieter than he usually is.

For some reason, it always garners the same reaction from Tamaki as he starts blushing upon hearing the greeting. Eijiro chuckles at his boyfriend's red face before pulling him in for a kiss. Neither of them cares in particular about morning breath after getting used to living together for over a year.

Since they were already together ever since Eijiro's first finals during his second year, the topic of the younger's life after graduation that the pair ended up talking about as the event was quickly approaching. It was a somewhat easy decision to make, considering that Tamaki stayed at Fat Gum's agency after his graduation, and Eijiro planned to remain at the agency as well. Their relationship has been going pretty steady as well, and the couples still have yet to face any really troubling issues besides Tamaki's anxiety.

But it seems that his younger boyfriend has been rubbing off on him since he's slowly grown to be more confident, and going to a therapist regularly helped even further since he's the one that deepens the kiss. Eijiro kisses back just as intensely, finally waking up completely as he wraps his arm around Tamaki's waist before securing his hold and turning them both so his boyfriend would be on top of him. Eijiro puts his hands on Tamaki's thin but muscular thighs, enjoying the morning kiss.

However, right when Tamaki deepens the kiss further, he hops off of Eijiro and stands closeby, looking at him expectantly. Eijiro is stunned to not have lips against his anymore before looking over at the man and groaning in disappointment.

"That was so not manly, Maki," Eijiro complains before finally sitting up on the bed and pulling the covers off of him.

"We would've been late if I continued, Ei. But it woke you up, didn't it?" Tamaki asks teasingly, earning a pout from the redhead before he gets off of the bed and stumbles towards their closet to grab his towel.

Walking back towards the door, Eijiro finally notices that Tamaki is already dressed to head for the agency. The dark-haired man may only be wearing his black sneakers, black skinny jeans, and a plain white t-shirt, but anything he wears looks good to Eijiro. A Tamaki without clothes is even better, but working as heroes can be so time-consuming to the point that some days, they would get home and fall right to sleep once they hit the bed.

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