Chapter two

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I honestly forgot about this until I had someone ask me to update! I'm sorry to all you who waited, I am now going to update because my shoulder hurt like heck...

-Chats POV-

I wake up to myself still transformed, thanks plagg! Marinette is still a toddler... I dont know where ladybug is!? Man this is a good few days for me....

Mari starts to wake up, I set her down on her bed and I made my way to the kitchen to try and find something to feed her or to take care of my princess, I hear a door opening or a window, I turn around, "and what is the famous cat noir doing in the Dupain-Cheng bakery?"

I see the person who said it is a girl with a white hoodie and a black shirt, she has grey shorts and grey sneakers with her dark brown hair in a high ponytail, "says the one who is in here as well with no explanation as to why?" I say back, "well I came to help my friend marinette, now it's your turn" she says back, "I am here because marinette is my princess and she got hit by toddlerizer" I say back explaining as to why I'm here, She looks surprised that it happened, "my name is Lily, now excuse me as I help you" 'Lily' says, "help?" I ask, "you look like you got no idea what to do with a toddler, lucky for you I have taken care of toddlers for almost all my life, (I actually have IRL)" Lily says, thank goodness she knows..

"Ok then show the hero how its done" I playfully taunt, and she gets all the things a toddler would need......

-Lilys POV-

I get all the things needed and head up with Chat following close behind, I make it up the ladder and set all the ideas I grabbed, a blanket, a bottle with milk, and a black cat plushie, I set it all up then go and take mari from Chats arms and make sure everything's in order with her.

-Chats POV-

She is a babysitter professional....... wow ok so she made sure Mari is ok and then set her down on a blanket and started to play with her. Ok then. I start to play as well, Mari seems to like me more though!
Hey this is all I have for today's update! Sorry its soooooo short! Bye for now!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2020 ⏰

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