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„Lottie, wake up! You're gonna be late!" I heard my mothers screeching voice coming from downstairs. I grunted and put a pillow over my head, a ray of sunshine coming through my blinds directly into my eyes. After stealing another 10 minutes of sleep I heard footsteps coming towards my room and my doors abruptly open.

„Charlotte, get out of bed this instant!" Mom said in a stern voice, removing my covers harshly. „The bus is leaving in 3 hours. Get a move on!"

I finally looked at her standing beside my bed, waiting for me to get up with one hand on her hip and the other one gripping my bed sheets.

„Fine!! I'm up!!" I said annoyed. The truth is, every day started almost the same because I couldn't, for the life of me, wake up early in the morning. Mom just rolled her eyes and left the room while shouting on the staircase again: „I made pancakes, come eat while they're hot!" ...mmm pancakes.... I excitedly put my furry slippers on and hopped downstairs to the kitchen.

„Smells amazing, thanks mom." I kissed my mom on the cheek before taking a plate with a few pancakes and sitting down on the bar stool in front of mom. I slapped on some Nutella and devoured the pancakes in no time.

„Coffee?" mom asked while putting the kettle to boil. I liked to make Turkish coffee and she knew that.

„Ohhh yesss. I need it." I said as I got my favorite mug from the cupboard.

It was somewhat our tradition to drink coffee everyday and just chat in the kitchen, me always talking nonsense and asking ridiculous questions, but she always patiently listened to me complain.

„I'm gonna miss this..." I said quietly while tapping my fingers on the mug.

„Oh baby, I'll miss this too." She caressed my hair and put a strand behind my ear. „But Lottie, you'll be gone just a few months." She laughed at my dramatization.

„So, you packed everything?" she said while putting the coffee mugs and plates away.

„Yup, just need to pack the toiletries and my bear." I said while helping her clean up.

„Are you serious?" she laughed. „You are bringing your bear?" she continued, actually questioning whether I was serious or not.

„Yeah so?" I looked confused. „It helps me sleep!" I exclaimed in my defense.

„Do I smell pancakes??" dad just walked into the kitchen, rubbing his eyes harshly.

„Listen to this, Lottie is packing her teddy bear!" mom said through a laugh, tapping on dad's shoulder. Dad just smiled at me and shook my head making my hair all frizzy.

„Did you pack everything then?" dad asked with a mouthful of pancakes.

„Yes almost everything." I said, while looking at the clock on the wall. Jesus it's almost 7am! I have to get ready, the bus leaves at 9.

I was going on a summer camp, sort of acting school on the countryside not far from here. Once I got my acceptance letter I couldn't believe it, because a lot of really good college professors of mine were mentoring there. And also my friend Rhi got accepted as well, so it definitely wouldn't be dull.

I rushed to the bathroom to shower and do my skincare so I could pack it in the suitcase, and applied a little bit of make up on my persistent blemishes. I thought by 22 they would be history?! I decided to go for a simple outfit and went with denim shorts and a shirt with a hoodie just in case it rains as it often does. Can't rely on the weather for shit. I packed a bottle of vodka and gin, you know, if a party were to happen. I sat on the suitcase and zipped it up. As I came downstairs, almost tripping 5 times from the weight of the luggage, I put my hair in a high messy bun. As I saw no one was around I went outside to see my mom wrapped in a bathrobe waiting beside the car, and dad fiddling with something in the car.

„Jesus Charlotte, did you pack rocks as well?" dad said while struggling to put the suitcase in the trunk of the car. I hugged my mom tightly, whispering 'I love you' in her ear and handing her the teddy bear.

„You take care of him!" I smiled sweetly and got in the car with my dad to drive to the bus station. I could hear my mom shouting 'take care, say hello to Rhi for me' as we drove away. On the bus station, after hugging my dad goodbye, I started to look around for my bus, but was interrupted by hands over my eyes. As I turned around I saw Rhi and we shrieked at each other before hugging, swinging from side to side.

„Hey bitch!! You ready to party all summer?!" Rhi said semi-sarcastically, making me laugh and roll my eyes.

„With you? Always!!" I said excitedly as we both went into the bus.

The bus ride was long but the view from the window was beautiful, all green and the blue skies surrounding it, making me smile. Rhi had fallen asleep beside me with her cap covering her face and earphones in her ears, blasting tunes for the whole bus to hear.

As I approached the camp, I could see my familiar professors standing to welcome us. Wooden cabins stood in the background and I could see a fire pit beside, what I guessed was the kitchen and dining area.

„Welcome! I hope you are ready for a little learning and a lot more fun, guys!" professor Smith said enthusiastically, making Rhi and I just look at each other and smirk.

„Now that you're all here, I would like to present to you your schedules..." he continues while handing them out, making everyone sigh a bit „and with great honor I would like to announce, my dear friend and actor Cillian Murphy will be joining us and mentoring some of you!"

All of our eyes just lifted from the papers and stared at the blue eyed man now standing beside prof. Smith. He smiled and waved awkwardly.

„Hi guys! Happy to be here, thanks for the invitation David." He said, turning to prof. Smith and shaking his hand.

What the hell???? Cillian Murphy?? Might just be the best summer yet!

Professor Smith kept talking about accommodation, but my eyes were fixed on Cillian, analyzing him from his worn out boots to the grayish streaks of hair on his head. Every sound was muffled when I met his eyes, probably staring with my mouth open. He smiled at me and looked down as I could feel Rhi nudging me.

„Lottie!!" Rhi gave me a stare before signaling with her eyes that the professor called my name.

„Once again, Charlotte Walker, are you here?" prof. Smith said annoyed, looking around the crowd.

„Present!" I lifted my hand up, my face blushing red while everyone turned to look at me. I looked at Cillian who's eyes met mine once again before he quickly looked away. Oh God I look like a tomato.

„Good of you to respond!" he said in a sarcastic tone. „Now where were we... oh, Rhiannon Wilson" Rhi put her hand up.

We started going to our cabins, Rhi and I sharing one of course, and started unpacking on the little shelving we had available.

„Can you believe Cillian Murphy is here with us??? Not me!" Rhi said while sitting on the bed, munching on some crackers. „He is really good looking for an old person" she said laughing.

„He's not that old Rhi!" I said in his defense. „Plus he's an amazing actor, and yes it doesn't hurt he's easy on the eyes..."

„Lottie, he could practically be your father!" she said with wide eyes, hearing the tone of my voice while I spoke about him.

„Whatever Rhi, I think he's an underrated actor and..." as I tried to put away my shirts on the shelf, a big grasshopper touched my hand and hopped on my shirt.

„AAAA GET IT OFF!" I screamed while running outside, swinging my hands around my body, not seeing where the bug now was until I heard a thud.

Oh fuck it's him. I practically tackled Cillian Murphy. Way to make a first impression bitch.

Thanks to anyone who bothers reading it, I know it's kinda dry but I had to make an introduction of some sorts. xxxx

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