Chapter 4: Preparations Part 1

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The roof of the Galaxy Garrison was flat and littered with exhaust vents, air conditioner units, and ductwork. Neat rows of solar panels were arranged on each of the various levels and, amongst the ordered chaos, stood a large flag pole flying a truly massive flag. The red, white, and blue fabric danced in the wind, its edges tattered and singed from Sendak's initial attacks.

Keith sat at the edge of the uppermost rooftop landing, his feet hanging over the side of the building as he leaned his weight back onto the palms of his hands. The sun was beginning to set over the horizon, dipping behind the outcropping in the distance as vivid reds and oranges lit up the sky in a spectacular sunset. Taking in a deep breath, he stared out at the expanse of the Texas desert; wind rustling through his hair as it whipped sand up from the vast nothingness that surrounded him.

He narrowed his eyes, squinting against the light as it slowly began to dim. Somewhere out here was his childhood home. Not his kithood home; that was the Blade of Marmora's main base, but instead the small cabin that replaced the long gone home he had lived in with his father and mother for the brief time when they had been together, happy, safe.

Oh, sure, they were together again, reunited as a family for the first time after deca-phoebs apart; but they were far from safe. Sendak's 'Fire of Purification' was threatening a full scale invasion of his home planet, the Galaxy Garrison was anything but a bastien of acceptance, and there was the ever present reality that neither Krolia nor Keith truly belonged on Earth. They were wild, unpredictable, untameable, and they belonged out amongst the stars. Not stuck in some sandy desert shack sweeping rattlesnakes off the front porch like his father seemed to desire.

He let out a heavy sigh and lay back against the hot concrete, limbs spread wide, his black hair splaying around him like a dark halo. It was much longer now, back to the length it had been when he'd first arrived on Earth nearly three deca-phoebs ago, and though Lance still called him "Mullet" from time to time, the moniker didn't really fit anymore. These days, like before his father had cut it, his hair was mostly styled in a braid that he'd tuck up into his Paladin helmet, or loop around his neck. A dark plum hair band was currently sitting at his wrist like a cheap bracelet, having been removed to let the wind whip the black strands about. The fresh, but slightly sandy, breeze tangling them in a way that would undoubtedly result in a mind boggling amount of profanity later as he tried to brush out the knots.

Keith's pretty sure he'd heard the Humans call this position 'starfishing', though he has no idea what a starfish is, or why it would want to lay on a hot roof. In fact, he's starting to question his own reasons for being out here. After the sun fully sets the temperature will drop, though the wind will stay warm, which is why he came in full uniform instead of just his civies. The awful orange colour of his Garrison jacket shining like a beacon while the heavy fabric did its best to liquify him into a puddle of sweat under the attention of the hot sun. Stars, he'd blissfully forgotten how much he hated these uniforms. They were the actual worst thing he'd ever been forced to wear - and that includes the wretched Altean healing pod suit.

With Regris and Hunk's upgraded translator program in full effect, the non-Human members of team Voltron no longer needed to rely on the translators in the Altean helmets, which freed them up from being forced to wear their armour and flight suits 24/7. Naturally, Sanda's immediate followup to this was ordering everyone, regardless of species, to wear the Galaxy Garrison uniforms. Her dreaded announcement had been in response to Princess Allura urging them all to view each other as a team.

"We are fighting for the same goals: to free your planet Earth from Sendak, and to bring peace and safety to your people as well as the universe." The princess had said, rising from her seat at the briefing table to stand tall and address every individual present. "I urge you all to view us not as aliens amongst you, but as friends who have travelled far to help our newest allies -" She'd paused for dramatic effect before letting her warm smile fall over the paladins and continuing with "- and desperately missed home." The scowl on Admiral Sanda's face eased momentarily as Allura's message of unity faded and the beaming Princess took her seat. The Admiral, who had sat with steepled fingers during Allura's address, rose to deliver the final blow; a closing point before she released them all with a final sentiment of "If we are to see each other as equals and allies, it is important that we look the part of a cohesive unit. From this point forward ALL personnel will be required to wear Galaxy Garrison uniforms and assimilate!".

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