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Third POV

Izuku was in the common room watching a movie with Kami,Kiri,and Mina when suddenly izuku's phone rang he of course answered it after minutes of listening he had a horrified look on his face this made the other three intrigued izuku then got up and left the room and without him noticing the other three followed and listened to his conversation and what they heard surprised them"WHAT you can't come and visit me I live in the dorms they won't let you through the gate,you can't,look I love you and all but you can't get through the gates,what no you can't meet my classmates,no why would I do that,I'm not going to seduce my teachers are you crazy,uuuuuggggggg fine I will convince them, yeah yeah OK bye love you too"the three look at each other and nodded "who was that"kami asked as they walked out from behind the door they were hiding behind,izuku squeaked and turned around"oh hi guys that was just a few friends that wants to come and meet the class"izuku said they nodded and walked away izuku sighed turned and headed for the principals office to convince nezu to let his 'friends' meet the class

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