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admins are currently being accepted!

admins are currently being accepted!

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- be friendly to one another
-if admins aren't being accepted or you
weren't accepted, don't worry, you can still
apply, we will accept more in the future!
- follow this account as part of your application!


one. name or alias:
two. age:
three. pronouns:
four. favorite character and why:
five. least favorite character and why:
six. why you want to be an admin:
seven. what you can do for this account
(graphics shop, writing tips, fanfic editor etc.):
eight. have you been a part of another
community, if so which ones?
nine. how active you are from 1-10:
ten. anything else you'd like to let me know!
eleven. tag two friends and try to
spread the word about this account!
twelve. make sure to download
discord so that we can talk

if you are accepted, please be active on this account!
I understand that there are things we love to work on,
on our own accounts, but I just don't want this
account to not fall off like many others!

if you have any questions don't be afraid to let me know!

good luck everyone!

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