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Assalamu alaykum everyone reading MOTN,please you should put in mind this book is purely a work of fiction and imagination from our current society and I haven't written it so it could diss a certain group of people or sect nor point fingers at others and doesn't display the perfect immaculation of Muslims in our today's society leveling with the fact that Islam is perfect but Muslims are not,and one should focus on the big picture in MOTN instead of trying  to dope out reasons and faults to use against the book or the author,MOTN doesn't disregard any religion and regard islam,writing is only my way of bringing out what's inside me,if one simply wants to criticize on my book then let me level with you and bring in this verse from the qur'an
"Surah nisa'i:19"
"Do not inherit women against their wish nor should you treat them with harshness, live with them on the footing of kindness and equity"
"Surah nisa'i:34"
"Men are the protectors and maintainers of women"
"Surah nisa'i:75"
"Fight in the cause of Allah and of those who being weak are ill treated and oppressed,men, women and children"
These verse is actually what motivated me to write this book,critics is welcome tho but in a matured way,like I said Islam is perfect but Muslims are not,I guess you should add MOTN to your reading list while you read and explore the puzzle in MOTN, give it a try I'm betting on my life you won't regret, the first few chapters might seem like a monochromatic but believe me its rather kaleidoscope

May contain mature content and lots of swearing,not edited, so read at your own risk

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