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Liked by king_bw and 506 othersDemp

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Liked by king_bw and 506 others
Demp.z Hi, this girl is named Cassidy. She's my best friend. She has been my best friend since we were in diapers. Sometimes I say things that hurt her. Sometimes I don't think about her feelings before I speak. Bear, you've always been there for me. From when I broke my ankle, to when I get too down on myself and stress. Although you were in Vegas when my dad died, you FaceTimed me every day, three times a day sometimes. I will always appreciate the fact you reached out to mei as well. You were there for both of us. Cassidy, I'm sorry I'm so dumb. Forgive me. Love mama bears favourite son in law 💛

[Tagged Cass.tayls]

Hanzbaker Wow Cass, you got the Zach Dempsey to apologize for being a dick 👏👏
King_bw lol she'll hate you for using that picture
TDpictures Nice post Zach
Sheri.holl This is adorable 😇
Ry.an.s OTP??
Baseball.jeff 👏👏
Cass.tayls You're forgiven zman. Love your baby bear ❤ also that picture is fucking disgusting
Alleexstan This is the cutest thing I've ever seen Zach do
Padillatons 💯💯
Monty.dlc Nice Dempsey

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