City Lights

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     The cars keep me up at night.  Not that I mind, seeing as it wasn’t likely that I would get a taste of sleep tonight...or any other night for that matter.  I mean, it’s nice to look out and seeing people going somewhere; actually doing something with their lives.  They haven’t given up yet.  It’s almost as if others have hope still buried in their soul, as they should because that gives them energy to keep on reaching for what they want in life, and I admire that.  Some are working the night shift, and some are going to clubs and bars and restaurants.  Some are going to meet the love of their life, and some are going to stick with a one night stand.  Some are going to breathe for the first time, and some for their last.

    The cars keep me up at night.  Not that I mind, seeing as it wasn’t likely that I would get a taste of sleep tonight...or any other night for that matter.  I mean, it’s nice to look out and see the city buzzing with activity at ungodly hours of the morning.  It shows purpose.  It shows dignity.  The lights are nice as well.  I like the glow on people’s faces as they pass under it.  It can show a crime scene, and it’s nice to see that through the barred windows.

    The cars keep me up at night.  Not that I mind, seeing as it wasn’t likely that I would get a taste of sleep tonight...or any other night for that matter.  I mean, it’s nice to see parents and their kids walking around at night, so completely oblivious to the dangers of walking around at night.  Especially in a city like this.  Who knows what could happen?  A man could come out of nowhere and murder them.  Someone could come out of an alleyway and kidnap or rape them.  A crazy person could come out of nowhere and attack them or drug them.  They could be sold into slavery.

The cars keep me up at night.  Not that I mind, seeing as it wasn’t likely that I would get a taste of sleep tonight...or any night for that matter.  I mean, it’s nice to watch the cars drive by and get tinted with the color of the lights on the road.  I like it.  It makes me forget where I am.  It makes me forget what happened to me.  It makes me forget what I did.  Well, what they tell me I did.  Apparently I did something bad, and this is my punishment.  I’m not sure how long I am supposed to be in here.  I remember that I don’t remember what I did.  I’m pretty sure that they are just setting me up.  

I don’t know what I did.  I’m not supposed to be here.  This is not how it was supposed to be.  I don’t know why I’m here.

The slide on the door opened.  A tray was just pushed under the slide, and someone is standing outside.  This happens three times a day, and I don’t know why they keep coming back.  I haven’t fallen for the trickery for a week.  I haven’t moved from this spot since I stopped playing their games.  I just keep watching the slide until the person outside the door sighs and walks away, taking the tray of food with them, knowing that I won’t buy into the trick they are playing.  

They put drugs in my food to keep me under their control.  Well, they did.  Maybe they still do, though I wouldn't know since I haven't eaten in nearly a week.  I can feel my bones poking through my skin, and my stomach eating itself.  It hurts, but that's part of their plan.  They want me to give in, but I won't.  I will be triumphant.  They can’t trick me into playing their games, and following their rules.  I’m not like the others.  I won’t give in so easily.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2020 ⏰

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