chapter 2

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Izuku was walking to U.A and decided to try something out so he focused the electricity in his body and he went into the street lamp he then went to U.A.When he reached U.A he jumped out the lamp he then continued to walk as he was walking he tripped but was cought by a toung.
"Sorry for using my quirk without promotion I'm tsuyu."Said Tsyou.
"No it's fine your quirk is cool I'm Izuku."Said Izuku as he brushed his tenticals and tail.
"We should go."Said Izuku as they began to walk to the auditorium.

Time skip

"GO."Said Present mic and Izuku was the only one to start to run in.he then saw 10 3 pointers he then took the power of half of them and shot it at it.he then began to take energy of robots until the 0 pointer came.In the observation room, the teachers were watching the students fight.
"We have some promising students on our hand expressly the one with the black tenticals hey power loader what's his name."Said Nezu as the screen flickered to Izuku taking away energy of robots.
"His name is Izuku Midoriya and his quirk is feedback it alows him to take electricity or energy from enemies and shoot it back as electricity."Said Power loader as read it off a list.
"Let's see how he feels about a challenge."Said Nezu as he pressed a red button that had a zero on it.Izuku was walking around when he saw the zero pointer so he used the energy he had gathered and shot it at the 0 pointer and it was destroyed in a second.
"The exam has ended."Said Present mic as the students left to go home and wait  for the there letter telling them that they passed.After a week, Izuku got his letter telling him that got in to U.A

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2020 ⏰

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