chapter 22

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We about leave I can tell Mike's mom didn't like the fact we were leaving together. It at least she drove us I didn't give Mike eye contact since we got there and got our bags we were taking the next day. When Mike says bye to his mom she looks at me like she wanted tell me something. Mike goes inside she tells me to take care of mike tonight I do what she says. I go inside. Murray Bauman didn't seem happy to have guest I wouldn't either this was my house and it's strangers. We finger out what the principal really was before he reroll to his school as principal. Before he was a school janitor before being in Mike school. "So my principal was a school janitor. Now he is a host." "Said Mike." "Yeah I got all that information." "Said Murray." We looked at his information about Hopper being dead is false. "How do you know Hopper is not dead?" "Asked El." "I found his picture in the newspaper and I found this.  Me and Mike were in shocked about what we saw we didn't Belive it was hop. We had dinner Burger King hop never byed me Burger King. But it was okay. Murray told me and Mike we will be sharing a room becuse the orther room that he had was full of boxes. So we were sharing the bathroom If we liked it or not. Mike had told me I go frist to go shower I did about put pajamas on untile Mike open the door and saw me shirtless but it didn't matter I saw him naked so we were even. I put my pajamas I let him on. I told him I was not looking he got naked I saw him tho the mirror. I lefted and walkie-talkie max she was surprise that I didn't let him do happy scarms. I heared him coming so I told her I should go Mike is comeing. So he ready for bed so am I but he is sleeping on the ground I told him on the bed with me. "I though we not being near eachther after what my mom said." "Said Mike." "You know what whatever." "Said El." "El." "Said Mike." But I felt right asleep when he said my name. I felt hungry at night I went to get my self egos and milk. I hear Mike got up to get milk also. We went back to the room and talk we kinda fighted. Then I ended up kissing him in mouth. I was on top of him kept kissing and kissing. Untile his thing from his outline of his sweat pants came. He stop kissing me becuse he he felt in Embarrass he was trying get out of the bed but I was too of him. We kiss again this time he got top of me but we stop making out. "What's wrong?" "Asked El." "I can't keep making out with you or else it go alittle." "Said Mike." But he kiss me anyways.

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