Chapter 13

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When the day of the contest arrived, the school was in utter chaos. No one could concentrate on their schoolwork, to the dismay and irritation of ms Davis, ms Bells, ms Miller, Mr OConnor, all of them. Davis had threatened a few kids with her feared silver-buckled belt, but that helped none. The only class the students behaved in, was Chemistry. Demedicci's work required a whole lot of concentration. They were mixing a formula that was quite acidic, and any mistakes could result in a terrible accident. Seth was in bed with flu, and who else to replace him? Tyler. The worst was that he made a point of being super annoying. The two of them were busily mixing a large beaker of fluid that looked suspiciously like mercury, when Tyler suddenly leaned over and whispered, "You better watch your back, now, Blanch. It's too late now."

Dierdre carefully poured some of the liquid into a test tube, making a show of ignoring him. It wasn't hard, because she had to focus on not getting the fluid onto her hands, or spill it.

"That's for Seth and Gina, bitch. You think you're so good, don't you? Well, you're in the dogbox now, because they know about you. They know about your freaky little friends," he taunted again as he filled a second test tube that had another chemical in it.

"I'm sure you do," Dierdre said absentmindedly, "now, if you don't mind, we need to mix these two liquids and see the results. If it's successfull, we might have created an acid that could eat through solid metal."

"Hey! Did you hear a single word I said?"

Yeah. I just couldn't give two, Dierdre thought, but she just nodded, adding a carefully measured amount of chemicals into a bowl containing a single nail. The liquid hissed and Dierdre stood back, watching as the nail started to rust. "Wow! Look at that!" Dierdre called out, impressed, "Look at this! Ms Demedicci! This is rad!"

"Let me see that." Demedicci came over, peering into the mixing bowl. "Whoa! Look at how fast the metal corrodes! It's only tin, but a stronger formula will eat through steel! Good work, you two! Miss Blanch, you do seem to have a knack for chemistry! Keep it up for the examinations!" You have a good mind for potions, Dierdre, she said in telepathy.

"Thank you, Ma'am. I will try my best." Well, I have to say that it was a nightmare trying to concentrate with Tyler's taunting in the background, though.

He can't do more than what he did, Demedicci replied. Whoa! That nail is gone!

Ma'am, could you keep the formula? I have this crazy suspicion that we would need it in the forseable future.

I see why. I can make more. These are only samples.

Do you think these would eat through glass?

Yep! Demedicci replied. If it can break down metal, glass doesn't stand a chance!

Bingo! Thank you!

Just be careful not to get any of that on your skin. I actually wouldn't advise doing it yourself. You will need a hasmat suit to handle a vatful of this bio-hazard!

After classes, Euryale and Dierdre prepared for the last rehearsal. Moshe met them in the dance class.

"Ah, tonight's gonna be a blast!" Carlos whooped as he took Euryale's hand to prepare for the partnered routine. 

Dierdre beamed at Moshe as Cleaver and ms D entered. Okay. It looked like Demedicci was following her now, in retrospect, everywhere Dierdre had gone throughout the three months she had spent here, Demedicci was not too far away. She realised that she had had a protector all along! This sorceress, who didn't know her from a bar of soap, had protected her anyway! Gee! Did all Supernatural kind look out for each other like this? Then Moshe's words to her, on the first day they had met, echoed through her memory, us Supernaturals have to look after each other, don't we? So ms D's presence had always been a good thing.

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