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The man stood at the edge of the monument. No matter how many times he would have to die, he would always come back. But now he couldn't risk it. It was his task to make sure that he got exactly what he wanted. Making sure no tourist groups were nearby, he couldn't afford prying eyes, he made sure that the location on his map was correct, before stepping to the side of the hallway.

"Give me the torch!" he demanded from his guide. The Greek Parthenon had many, many wonders, but none that such mortal new of. Inside this place was one, small, hidden room in which held the information he was seeking. Placing his palm on the small, undisturbed section, his hand glowed in preparation for opening up the concealment. Five minutes later, there stood a tall, narrow doorway, ready for entry.

Lighting the kerosene-soaked torch, he stepped into the corridor in which led into the room. He knew booby-traps lay in his path, but they would not be disturbed by his presence. It was specifically to keep mortals out. 

"I'll be right back." He told his guide and stepped into the ancient hallway. Calmly walking into the room, the man noticed that nothing had been touched.

"Perfect." He muttered to himself and began to frantically search the room. The doorway would only stay open for roughly eight minutes. It could only be opened from the outside as well; thus making his task a bit more difficult than necessary. To anyone who might have seen him, they might have thought that he was moving extremely fast for a human, but the fact was that he wasn't human. Not entirely. The light flickered across the room from his burning torch; the light bouncing over priceless artifacts left by the Romans, and others of the man's kind. They left behind these things to retrieve them later, but most had perished before they could come back. Scroll over scroll, he scanned the shelves before his eyes landed upon his goal. He grabbed it, a few others, and ran out of the room. The door closed immediately behind him, and he stepped out of the way of a passing tour group.

"Let's go." He told his guide grimly.

They were a few miles down the road when curiosity finally got to the guide. He quietly opened the bag of his customer and found the scrolls. He took a deep gasp when he saw what was on the scroll. The jeep swerved over to the side of the road and pulled to a park.

"Get out," The man said. 

Nodding, the guide got out of the car. "You shouldn't have looked." The man said angrily.

"I-I-I'm sorry," The guide said. "I-I-I was just so amazed and curious about what was happening at the-" "As they say, curiosity killed the cat." The man said. He pulled out a gun, fired once, twice, three times at the guide, then walked back to his car. Digging his bag out of the back, he pulled out the scroll and read it. It had in ancient hieroglyphics, a story about how the pharaoh was visited by people from "the future." to any other person, they might have thought that the Egyptians were telling a tale for kids, but the man knew otherwise. The drawings made it clear as to what he suspected. "It seems that they have finally come for me." The man said to himself. He pulled back out onto the road and drove on like nothing ever happened.

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