Chapter 22

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Sabrina's POV

The rest of the week flew by and before I knew it, Saturday was here. I grabbed my coat and walked outside onto the damp grass.

Here we go.

I grabbed the address out if my pocket and headed down the road.
It wasn't a long walk so I got there in around 5 minutes. I walked up to a sign that read,
Oaks Hiking Trail
"Hey stranger!" Bradley said walking over to me.
"You ready?" He asked.
"I guess."
We walked up a steep hill until we got to the start if the trail. We walked for a while as we watched waterfalls or small rabbits scurrying across the crumbled fall leaves.
"This is beautiful!" I finally said to break the silence.
"Yes it is," he replied.
We kept walking for hours, taking our time as we crossed bridges or taking a break by a small river. Before we knew it the stars started to come out from behind the cave of trees above us.
"Looks like it is getting late." I announced with almost a sad tone. "But let's keep walking."
Out of the corner of my eye I could see Bradley escape a smile.
We came upon a huge hill the overlooked a beautiful valley of flowers. I reached down and grabbed a gorgeous pink flower and stuck it behind my ear where it stuck out through my blonde curls.
"It's a beautiful pink star."
"What?" I asked confused.
"The flower, it's called a pink star," Bradley replied.
"How do you know?"
"They are my favorite that grow in the greenhouse."
We both grew silent.
"We should probably head back," I said.
We walked back towards my house when Bradley stopped and held out his hand.
"Follow me."
"Where?" I asked.
"Just follow."
He climbed up onto of the roof as I slowly followed behind. When he sat down in the center I asked, "are you sure we should be here?"
"It will be fine. Sit."
I slowly sat as I shivered from the cold.
"Take my jacket." He insisted.
"I really shouldn't..."
I didn't have time to refuse as he put it around me.
"Please take me back."
"I can't...not after what you did. You know that." I replied.
"I know.....just one more chance. If I mess it up than forget me forever, but all I am asking for is one more chance."
"Fine. Come to my birthday at my house on the 26th."
He leaved over and kissed me. A small smile escaped my lips and I knew I had made a mistake.

Hope you guys liked this chapter!! Keep reading!😘

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