Your Knight In Shining Armour...

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Asahi's face shifted with an agony he'd never felt before.  Not once in his life.  A pain so sharp.  A pain so deep... he thought he'd pass out any second now.  He took a slight step, wincing.  It couldn't be... he'd never... lost... had he?  No... never been outmatched by a human... Snarling weakly with bared sharp teeth and pinned dark brown eyes, he followed a shadow looming in the darkness, the crimson liquid pouring out of his side make it hard to breathe... 'Come on... stay awake...' He begged himself, roaring and slamming a large clawed fist into the ground below... he lifted it back up slowly, sniffing the dirt meekly... he'd missed.  But... how?   There was no way...

Blinking back the confusion and pain beginning to flood his senses, Asahi yelped as another sharpened sword made its way under his sunset-coloured scales.  'Bite it back...' He could feel the blood pool around his talons, ignoring it as he slammed his entire body into the cobblestone wall the palace was made of, almost hard enough to make it crumble.  He didn't understand what was happening... he... he was sure this is how he was supposed to react... wasn't it?  Someone had come to-

"Beast!"  He heard a deep voice call from in front of him, his large legs wobbling beneath him weakly, on the brink of collapsing like a decaying pillar.  He could hardly open his eyes any longer, the lids flapping uselessly as he growled, lowering his head weakly.  The figure chuckled, tutting.  "Come now Beast, I'm sure you can make this simpler for both of us now, can't you?"  A man in shining armour stepped over slowly from the shadows, as sly as a snake, sword pointed at the weak creature's head.  One pierce and Asahi would be dead.

"It feels terribly painful, doesn't it?"  The knight asked, a puppy tone lacing his voice.  He really did find this amusing, kneeling down in the puddle of blood with a giggle.  "Allow me to introduce myself before you die... pitiful being..."  He placed a hand upon Asahi's snout, plucking at the scales one by one, the other doing nothing to stop him, smoke curling up to the ceiling.  "My name is sir, Arnold the fourth.  Son of sir, Arnold the first and Miss, Elizabeth the second.  I come from a kingdom three villages away from here..."  He looked off into the distance with a childish smirk.  "I had come to fight the largest creature known to this Earth, the toughest dragon ever known to man... the legend who could not be defeated... and you... well... you were nothing if I were, to be honest... fairly disappointing if you ask me."  He lifted his helmet up, revealing bright, shimmering ocean blue eyes.  Blonde hair that shimmered like gold in the dying candlelight.  Pink, plump lips that would have any woman falling head over heels for him.  "Yes.  Disappointing indeed.  It was hardly a fight in the slightest... but sleep now if you will foul creature, don't worry any longer."  Arnold cackled, picking another couple of scales for goods measure.  "Your prince will be fine in my company.  I mean, being locked away by a dragon isn't all too fun, now is it?  I can't even imagine how much he must hate you g-"

"Asahi?  Is everything alright?"  Asked a small voice from the spiral stairwell, a very small, black-haired male rubbing at his eyes with a small yawn.  "I heard some commotion..."  He stepped closer slowly, his jaw slanting and his eyes widening at the sight.  The mess.  The horror.  He looked utterly terrified, breath hitching as he looked toward Arnold quizzically, tears pooling around the base of his eyelids.

"Ah, there you are your majesty.  I was wondering when you'd be awoken by all of this."  The knight hummed, standing from the puddle of crimson and giving a delicate, flowerlike bow.  "And how are you this fair night?"

"What do you think you're doing?"  The black-haired male asked, trying to keep his posture and demeanour.

Arnold's eyes raised and he cocked a narrow eyebrow.  "Why, your majesty, I was simply dealing with this foul creature.  Oddly enough, it was standing in my way.  And, it would appear I have succeeded in my mission to defeat it."  His eyes glimmer, a dark expression flooding his face.  "You, are my ultimate prize for this endeavour, Nishinoya."  The larger man stepped forward with an outstretched hand for the prince to take, Asahi hissing quietly at him with what little energy he had left.  His eyelids fluttered as he slowly moved his head in front of the smaller male, barring his teeth with an exhausted snort.

Arnold's eyes narrowed, his lips peeling back in a growl of his own.  "Oh no, creature, he isn't yours any longer.  Your prince belongs to me now-"

There was a loud clattering noise, the knight looking over with hunched shoulders.  "Get out!"  Nishinoya hissed at him, tears glistening down his cheeks like falling stars.  His face began to flush out of anger and sadness, sniffling as he ran a small hand over Asahi's snout gently.  It couldn't be... he wasn't... no... he'd never...  "Get out..."  He said more quietly, falling to his knees into the puddle of ever-growing blood.  It was slowly thickening, Nishinoya's hands beginning to tremble.  "You, do not deserve to be called my lover."  His eyes pierced the armour the other was wearing, sniffling as he shook his head.  "You.  Do.  Not.  Own.  Me."  He reminded harshly, kissing Asahi's scaley temple.  "I refuse the offer to leave this place.  Kill my dragon, and I kill you."

Arnold's face twisted and he snorted.  "I don't think, the last time I checked, that you had a choice in this matter.  I slew this dragon and I would like my prize.  I didn't come for-"

"Asahi..."  Nishinoya asked quietly, kissing at his cheek and pressing against his large snout, on the verge of a breakdown.  "You have to turn back... if you turn back I can sew you up... come on..."  He yelped, pulled to his feet.

"Listen you little brat."  His eyes rounded, grunting and trying to pull back.  "I said I was here for you, not the dumb beast dying on your palace floor.  He will die, whether you like it or not.  He will not be here anymore whether you like it or not.  He is not yours.  You are not his.  That is the most ludicrous thinking I've ever heard."

Nishinoya pulled away forcefully, tripping backwards and bumping into Asahi's nose.  He still hadn't listened?  Why was he being so stupid?  His eyes narrowed at the slow breathing dragon, hands fisting as he looked back.  "Turn back now!  Asahi!"  Without thinking, he kicked the creature's snout, earning a yelp in return.  "Now.. please... you can't live like this..."  His hand was gripped again, squealing when the knight pulled him back over again.

"You really don't listen, do you?"  He growled.  "I.  Said.  We're.  Leaving.  Now.  You won't survive here alone.  You know that as well as I do."

"Asahi... get up!  Please!"  Nishinoys begged, looking back, Asahi's eyes on his when he did.   His breaths came out raspy and drawn out, claws scrambling against the floor as he growled low in his throat, head hanging limp but menacing nonetheless.  "Now... turn back... please... I have to-"

The sword went up again, Nishinoya pressed to the cold chest plate of the knight with wide eyes and a slight, trembling frown.  He went to complain but was cut off.  "Back beast!  I, sir Arnold, will be leaving with your prince now!  You have no-"  The knight yelped flinching away when large claws were swiped at him.

Asahi stood taller, everything beginning to be consumed into darkness... he felt faint... felt tired... felt woozy... he took a single step... one small step... before collapsing to the floor...

---hours upon hours later---

Nishinoya's bloody hands trembled like an earthquake, a large frown on his tear-stained and pale face.  "Asahi?"  He asked quietly to the empty room, resting his head against the other male's pale chest.  there were no sounds, but he pretended there was.  "Asahi?  You're alright... aren't you?"  He muttered, sniffling.  "He... he didn't... didn't... you know..."  His eyes peered upward, but they were not met this time.

"Asahi?"  And the night continued on turning, the moon setting in the east.

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