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                              None of these characters belong to me. If you want to find more about them look up Harry Potter, not this books name. They belong to Jk rowling.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione, were listening in on an argument that Lupin and Sirius were having. "The Dark Lord wants to kill Harry. We can't let them die searhing for something that doesn't exist!" Sirius told Lupin sharply. Harry widened his eyes and looked at Ron and Hermione. "I know Sirius, but we can't stop them and tell them not to, it will make them suspicius. I can offer them help and protection, nothing else." he answered. It sounded like they had had this conversation more then once. "But Remus-" Lupin cut him off. "We cannot fail to the Dark Lords orders." Lupin told him sharply. "Subject closed."

The next day, They used extendable ears during the order's meeting. "The Dark Lord needs to kill Harry before we an do anything else about muggles." They heard Tonks saying. "The muggle born restriction commityy is getting all the mudbloods out of the way for us." Sirius said. "We need to get Granger somehow, but we can't give away our position. If they found out about this they would kill us." "Granger is the cleverest with in this house." Kingsley said. "We can't do anything about her unless Ron and Harry are out of the way." "All of my eldest sons, Charlie, Bill, Fred, George, and Percy are all on our side, so they're nothing to worry about. I can either get him on out side, or just kill him myself." Mrs Weasley said. "Molly, you can't kill your own son!" Lupin yelped. "Oh, yes I can! I can go murder him in bed right now if I wanted to. Actually, I'm going to do just that." She replied, voice shaking. She stood up and headed towards the door. Harry Ron and Hermione let out a yelp, got into the invisibility cloak, and went upstairs. "Ron! They're going to kill you!" Hermione cried. Just then, they heard footsteps coming from the hall. They all scrambled into bed, and the door opened.

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