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The door slammed open. Mrs. Weasley walked toward Ron's bed. She raised her wand. "Molly, no." It was Lupin. "You cannot kill your own son." "Oh... I'm sorry. I forgot myself." she said softly. "Good night, Molly." She left the room.


The next day, Harry Ron and Hermione were getting ready for the wedding, and Hermione and Ron were arguing. "Harry, your birthday was two days ago! We could have easily just left!" "No, Ron, but that wouldn't be right. We promised we would stay for the wedding and help prepare." "But the people who we are still helping want to kill us, Hermione!" Ron yelled. Harry glanced at Mrs. Weasley. She looked how she usually did. "Now, she looks fine." Harry said. "But Rons right, we should leave now." "But Lupin said that the Horcruxes don't exist!" Hermione cried. "Harry-" "Well, we will be safer out there than we are here. I'm suprised they dont just walk up to me, stun me, and press there little dark mark on their arm." "Harry, don't talk like that! We have no proof that they are deatheaters!" Hermione cried. "How will we go anyway? Half the order is trying to 'protect' Harry." Ron told them. "Oh I'll do it." Hermione snapped. "Not now! Lupins watching!" Ron said. Hermione didn't listen. She grabbed Harry and Ron and Dissaparated. Lupin saw, ran to Hermione and apparated with them.

Harry  woke up with Lupin staring over him. "Harry, are you alright?" He asked. "I'm fine." he mumbled. Lupin moved, and Hermione took out her wawnd and pointed it at him. "Stupefy." She stunned Lupin, and he fell to the ground. "Now what do we do? He knows where we are, he can summon other deatheaters here." Ron said. "We have to go somewhere else." Hermione said. "We can't be here when he knows where we are. Then, Hermione Disaparrated. Lupin woke up, hearing the loud Crack and he was worried. He apparated back to Grimauld Place.

 "They know," was the first thing he could say. "How could they know?" Mrs. Weasley asked. "I don't know, but they stunned me," he replied. "Maybe..." "Fred and George." Tonks said quietly. "Their extendable ears! They must have listened in on our meeting yesterday." "Impossible," Mrs. Weasley snapped. "They were asleep when I came in last night." "How do you know? They could have been pretending to be asleep. They could have gone upstairs in the invisibility cloak," Lupin said." "We need to find them." Sirius said.

                                  Hey guys, I hope you are enjoying the book! I was seriously considering killing off Hermione... but I didn't! Please keep reading!

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