love at first sight | bryles

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how bryles first met! <3

For Ali

'mum stop!' myles mumbles, his cheeks flushing a deep shade of red in embarrassment. he looks around the busy street of toronto in case anyone had seen him.

'just let me get that one last spot!.' franci, myles' mother exclaims as she whips out a wet wipe from her handbag. are u kidding me?!? i'm 14 years old not 4 myles thinks to himself as he rolls his eyes.

'ok done. let's go inside!' his mother says excitedly. myles takes a deep breath and looks up at the building, mainly white and brown in colour. he looks up the large round entrance before him with the canadian and italian flag on either side. he smiles to himself as it reminds him of his italian heritage.

'you ready mylo?' his mother asks, already at the top of the few stairs at the entrance. he snaps out of his daze and nods, ready to have the best summer of his life. little did he know this summer would change his whole life.

'can i get trevor tordjman to studio a please.' a director says through a microphone. myles mouth gapes open as he marvels everything around him. he's beyond estatic to be able to be in another season of the show and according to the email from amy wright he will be in more episodes plus he might even get a talking heads!

'yooooo!' a voice echos from around the corner. myles heart almost jumps out of his chest in shock as trevor comes sprinting around the corner and does and layout, landing right next to one of the directors. 'sup frank.' he says smoothly with a smirk on his face. frank sighs and shakes his head, trying not to laugh at trevor being trevor. 'we need you studio a right now. we are filming a whole a troupe scene when logan comes in ok?' he says and walks around the corner with trevor in tow.

'myles come on!' his mother says in an annoyed tone whilst indicating to go into one of the spare studios that he didn't think was there from last season. 'coming.' he reply's and follows his mum into the room.

'amy should be here any minute i presume.' his mother says checking the time. myles nods his head, tapping his foot on the ground nervously. he heard that his good mate kolton was going to be on the show too this season as a j trouper but he hasn't see any sight of him yet.

suddenly a petite girl with olive skin, gorgeous green eyes and long blonde hair comes in. she has a warm smile on her face and it's like myles' world just stops then and there. it's like god bought an angle down from heaven. she was  beyond beautiful and myles didn't know it then but that girl right then and there would be around for a while.

the girl stands slightly adjacent to her mother who has similar features to her, in fact they look extremely similar except the girl was much younger than her of course. suddenly the girls mother starts walking towards them and myles eyes widen and he gulps. no,no,no,no,no. he's not ready. he can't talk to girls. he did do ballet and was surrounded by a bunch of girls, but not girls like this. this girl had something special about her that he couldn't quite put his finger on. all he knew was that this girl made his cheeks turn a deep shade of red, made his legs feel like jelly and he couldn't take his eyes off of her.

briar walks into the room she was told to go into by one of the directors with her mother. she was beyond excited that she was chosen to be on a tv show! she thought she would just be a competitive dancer for the rest of her life but when the next step came around she had to audition and was estatic she was chosen to be on the show.

she smiles at everyone in the room nervously until she spots a boy around the same age as her a couple of metres away. he has neat light brown hair, pretty blue eyes and is about a head taller than briar. He extremely nervous and a bit pale. almost sickly pale actually.... but she whispers to her mother anyway wanting to make a friend.

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