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Chapter 4

Bianca's POV

So I guess attending a party on a Wensday wasn't the brightest idea considering I had school the next day. I left the party at 1 am and climbed through my bathroom window. However I was caught by my little sister, Avalyn, when I left the bathroom. She told mom and dad that I was out late and that I just came back. I swear twelve year olds are huge snitches. I got grounded by my parents so I can't leave the house for a week. It was now 7:30 am and I was walking to school with Arianna, Yasmine, and Courage. I guess as punishment for being out so late my drive me to school and my dad mom wouldn't took Avalyn to school.

"Bianca, did you study for the biology test?" Courage questioned

"Nope. You know she doesnt study." Yasmine answered for me

"Yasmine you know me so well." Im surprised Courage even thought I studied.

"Good luck on the biology test, you'll need it."

"Arianna just because I didn't study doesnt mean I won't pass


She was right. I would need that good luck. This test was impossible to pass but luckily for me I had a nerdy boyfriend that is always making lame science jokes. Most of his science jokes related to my test so I started to remember his jokes.

'Think like a proton and stay positive' and 'The leader of a biology gang is the nucleus' helped alot.


I got a A+ on my biology test. Keith really helped although he's not even in my class thinking about him benefits my grades and my heart. Now I'm becoming cheesy like him. We re-enacted Romeo and Juliet because I wasn't allowed company. So there I was at my bedroom window chanting..

"Keith, Keith, where art thou Keith! Deny thou father and refuse thy name. Or if thou wilt not, be sworn my love. And I'll no longer be a bad girl." I actually poored my heart into that cheesy quote while he blushed and chanted his line.

"What light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Juliet is the sun."

I then broke out of character. "So you're cheating on me with a dead girl now?" I gasped

"Ok let me rephrase that. What light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Bianca is the sun.

"Much better" I replied satisfied.

We then went through a couple more verses before he actually tried to climb up my window.

"Stop Keith I'm grounded."

"Actually I'm grounded. But not for long." It took me awhile before I realized the joke.

"I get it because you're on the ground and I'm not. Classic." I stalled

"Quit stalling im coming up." I don't know how or with what he managed to climb to my room with but he succeeded.

"Now do I deserve a kiss after all that hard work.

Before I responded he leaned in for a kiss and I closed the space between us. It was perfect. I had no idea where my parents were at this moment but I didnt care. I just pushed the thought away and kissed him until I had no breath left.

Arianna,s POV

Today was an ok day I walk to school with my besties we got to talk about some things. Bianca told us that she was grounded for coming home at 1:00 a.m. She said her little sister snitched. That little brat, one day she will learn how to keep that big mouth shut. But I'm glad I didn't get in trouble I'm the only child so no brat snitched on me. But she will be ok because her punishment's are not that bad so I wish her the best, good luck Bianca. So today I went to the mall with my other besties, Yasmine and Courage. Boy did we have a great time.

Yasmine' s POV

" Hey babe " said James . He been calling me that ever since that kiss .

" How many times I told you not to call me that . " " A million times but I don't care "

" Well if you don't care then stop talking to me I said walking to my 3rd period class , well to "our " 3rd period class . I sat in the middle back row and waited for the teacher .

"Are you mad at me " said James

"Yup "

" I'm sorry can I make it up to you by asking you on a date ? "

"Sure " I said while smiling .

Mr . young our math teacher came in .

" Are you all ready for the math test today " he said .

"Oh shit , I forgot about it." I said , but low .

" Did the princess just swear " James saidll

" So what are you going to do prince "

" you will see "

While we took the test I was struggling while James was finish with his test , after he was finish in 10 minutes he start kicking my chair making it harder for me to think .

" Stop you idiot" I whispered

" Nope " he said back and kick my chair even harder


" Come on I'm doing a test "

" Payback is a bitch isn't it " he said with a smirk .

"Your time is up students "Mr. Young said.

Everyone handed their paper to him .

We waited until he was finish grading papers . Guess what I got a F ,while James got a A .

I should of study .



Well we see that someone added our story to their library so we decided to keep the story going because it wouldn't be fair for that person to suffer .And thank you.

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