Personal much, non?

65 0 16

Corsica yawned. Eck, she HATED mornings......with a passion, much like her sleepy admin, Tessa. She sat down at her writing desk in her dim study, a library filled with old, leatherbound books and journals, and sleepily looked at the questions Tessa had layed on her desk. She couldn't help but laugh as she read them, sent in by her crazy, adventerous friend Greenland. He was an ambitious lad, that much was certain. She smiled, much more awake and layed out his three questions.

1. Do you have any obsessions?

2. Have you ever seen a psychiatrist?

3. How does that make you feel....?

-@Wolfysan (Greenland)

She yawned and twirled a piece of her dirty blonde hair in her fingers, the rest done up neatly in her usual bun. She smiled and answered them happily.

"Greenland, hun, you've got a problem, got that? But I will answer anyways. ^^ Yes...I have an obsession with the finer things in life, and I am a very very neat freak. So I am obsessed with keeping a clean, neat comely cozy house, and I also usually keep the lights dim. I also am somewhat of a journal-hoarder. I love the leatherbound ones especially. But no, I don't have any WEIRD obsessions like mon frére would."

She thought to herself for a second about the second question.

"Not really Green, I'm more of a psychiatrist myself. ^^ I tend to talk to people about things and comfort them, and I often find myself playing the mother figure in people's lives accidentally. But there has been one or two occasions where I had to be held and just cry, and maybe sung to sleep by a good friend when we were both worrying, but that's about it. And that doesn't really count as seeing a psychiatrist, does it?" She yawned and shook her head, trying to wake up all the way. Good, only one more question. ^^

She smiled, looking slightly annoyed, but managed a laugh anyways.

"How does that make moi feel?" She raised an eyebrow and leaned back in her red brown leather chair. "You want me to pour out all my secrets to you? Well I'm not going to. But I will tell you hun, I feel a lot better helping people than getting help from them, but I'm never going to push away a piece of advice or a caring heart. I trust many people, but the odd thing about me? I feel my place..... a misfit among populars. I? I want more than to be someones friend. I tend to befriend, and find myself loving, the ones that are hardest to love." She smiled a sweet, sincere smile and stood up, her purple cape trailing behind her formally.

"Love you all." ~♥

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