Prologue: A Madman With A Blue Box

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  • Dedicated to Prii Cascante

Prologue : A madman with a blue box.

Once upon a time three little girls were visited by a very unusual man. A man that wore a a single wine colored bow tie with a tweed brown jacket and funny boots. The man was strange, he talked a lot and always seemed to be happy. Everything he said made no sense but was somehow important.

He had a blue box. A police box. When each of the girls was visited by him, he appeared with the box and then vanished with it as if he had never been there.

"One day, you will be a hero. Like in the books and movies and you'll have to do something important. Something that will save the whole planet!" He explained to each on his visit.

"And, to do that you'll just have to trust me. I've got to go, there's some Draconians out and about. Nasty little lizards. I've got to take care of them. And remember, you have to trust me!"

And with that he left the last girl and disappeared until he became nothing but a forgotten dream.

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