A girl worth fighting for - Bad touch trio + Hungary

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Cover art not mine!

The Army has been marching for awhile now. Their feet dragging amidst the blazing sun.

Other soldiers started to chant "For a long time we've been marching off to battle,"

"In our thundering herd, we feel a lot like cattle" sang Gilbert

"Like the pounding beat, our aching feet aren't easy to ignore" Some soldiers are fighting to stay awake.

"Hey! Think of instead, a girl worth fighting for~" Francis said with a dreamy look. Elizabeta gave them a confused look.


Francis smirked "that's what I said- a girl worth fighting for~"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~line break ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I want her paler than the moon with eyes that shine like stars!


                                                                  My girl will harbor in my strength, adore my battle scars!


              I could care less on what she wears or what she looks like, 

                                                                It all depends on what she cooks like! -Antonio

      The three had dreamy eyes on their grimy faces, you could see the sunshine beaming to them

Beef!, pork!, chicken!

Elizabeta cringed to herself 'Why are they always acting immature?'  she pondered to herself

Oh my god I'm so sorry for the late and really short chapter! I have been very busy lately and I don't have enough time! but for now, please enjoy this short and crappy chapter by yours truly!

Don't worry! I have been working on longer chapters so stay tuned!

Next Chapter: The Carriedo Sisters (The Schuyler Sisters)

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