Chapter 13: Pyrrhic Victory

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Oshida's tanks smashed through the furniture barricades set by the Examination students. First, the large guns of the Escalator force were fired into them, then the tanks drove through. On entering the streets, Oshida found there were no girls to contest the advancement, they were empty. Oshida halted her tank in the middle of the first intersection so as not to allow herself to be blocked from one path.

Andou watched from near by with a group of Examination students waiting to attack. She peeked to the other side and spotted another group of girls waiting. It was quiet until suddenly Andou's phone went off. Startled, she jumped, stirring the others to jump out. Girls ran from both side of the intersection, some throwing illumination flares onto the tanks, while others utilized what they had taken from the girls in the sewer to attack the treads of the foremost tank: Oshida's.

Within seconds of the attack, the tank was disabled and once the rest of the tank commanders understood what had happened, they began exiting their tanks to engage hand to hand. Flash-bangs, smoke, tear gas, the whole street erupted into chaos. Andou looked around to see Examination students and Escalator students clashing viciously. Fist to fist, arms to arms, the girls brawled in the street. And then she spotted her: Oshida.

Oshida climbed, dazed, out of the tank she was in, grabbing onto her head as she removed her riot helmet. She jumped down and leaned against her tank, not noticing as Andou approached her. "Hey!" shouted Andou.

Oshida looked up and scowled, "So, you finally show your face, huh."

"Yeah, and you finally are here before me without your crew," replied Andou. "Come to roll on our resistance to your tyranny?"

"Tyranny? This is the revolution you desire! We are victors, we are the law! You girls take over half the ship, attack our girls, and destroy our tanks, and expect we will sit idly by! And you think you are the victims?"

"We destroyed tanks that you used on our demonstration, we secured our side of the ship from your attacks, we only fought justly!" yelled Andou.

"What about the girls in the sewer? Did they attack you? I never heard back from them!" prodded Oshida. Andou said nothing, and tried pushing the idea from her mind. "Yeah, go on and deny it to yourself. Justify it as you will in the puny brain of yours."

"You deserve it," spat Andou, as she fought tears while trying to reason with having to fight her old friend.

"What are you gonna do? Hit me?" asked Oshida as she got up from her tank. She was still dressed in riot gear, and Andou knew she'd be at a disadvantage.

"Maybe I should," replied Andou, raising her fists. Oshida did the same and moved towards Andou. A swift punch from Oshida, grazed Andou's arm, to which Andou, grabbed onto Oshida and pulled her in, head butting her. The two staggered back, but Andou got her footing back first, as Oshida was already dazed from being jostled in the tank, and now being struck in the head. Andou rushed forward and struck Oshida, causing her to fall back even more. Oshida grabbed Andou by her uniform, pulling her down with her and the two struggled for the upper hand.

Oshida drew her truncheon from under Andou and struck Andou in the ribs, causing her cry out in pain and wince. Andou took the implement from Oshida and tossed it aside, before punching Oshida a few times in the face, knocking Oshida's head into the street below them. Oshida fell almost limp under Andou and writhed weakly in pain, to which Andou sat back horrified at what she had done. Blood from Oshida's lip covered her fist, nauseating Andou. She looked up and spotted Fontaine fighting with an Escalator girl. Suddenly, another ran up from behind her and struck her with truncheon in the leg, causing Fontaine to fall down. 

The girl who ran up held Fontaine down, and the two quickly beat her into submission to which Andou screamed. A sudden blow to her liver knocked Andou off Oshida, stunning Andou in pain. She looked up and spotted a beaten Oshida wielding her truncheon held above her shoulder. Andou tried to get away, but Oshida struck hard Andou's leg, which let out a dull thud. Andou screamed as the truncheon sent fire up her leg and side. Tears immediately streamed down Andou's face as she felt her breath be stolen from her again as she writhed. 

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