Chapter 2.

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"No, no pineapple."


This is what I have been listening to for the past twenty odd minutes, all because we were hungry and wanted to order takeout. First, I had to get them to decide between pizza or chinease, that was over an hour ago. Eventually, when they agreed on pizza, the argument began on what the topping we would be getting.

Julia and Emma were literally the worst people to get food with. Em wanted pineapple, while Julie wanted absolutely no pineapple. The were polar oppisites, I often wondered how we could all be friends, maybe oppisites really do attract.

While they continued their bickering, I very quietly sneak into the kitchen and order us an extra large - we could really eat when we were together, for some reason - chicken and pineapple pizza but instead, I ask if they would leave half of the pizza without any pineapple and only add the pineapple to the one half of the pizza.

The boy, who sounds no older than 17, graciously agrees to arrange that for me.

I set my phone down on the living room table table and walk into my room. The first thing I notice when I step foot into my rooom is the bright, rainbow coloured sticky notes that was stuck to the wall above my desk.

That immediatly brings a smile onto my face.

Hayes. oh, sweet Hayes.

We've been talking, texting, facetiming, anything you could think of except actually meeting up. One night, while I had been up trying to study for my finals, I got a call from him. Seeing his name pop up on my phone screen for some reason always bought a smile to my face, just like when I thought about him or saw something that reminded me of him.

While having one of our many late night discussions, I had brought up how forgettful I often tended to be, by forgetting tests, doctors appoitments and even once forgetting that I needed to meet up with my brother. So, Hayes being the total genuis that he is, had suggested that I use sticky notes; write what I needed to remeber on them and then stick them somewhere where I'd always see it. I chose to stick them to the wall above my desk, obviously.

Needless to say, it was the best idea anyone has ever had, after the person that had the idea to invent the coffee machine and make me my own personal barista.

I sometimes found it hard to believe that it had already been three weeks since I had met Hayes at the grocery store where he had stunned me with his cornier than corny pick-up line that had only been used about a million times on a million different girls.

Oh my god.

I was one of those girls.

But you just couldn't help it with Hayes, there was just something about him. I suddenly wondered if it was even possible to have a crush on someone that you have only met once? I was rushing into this blindly, too fast. Maybe I should talk to the girls about this, they would know what to do.

This was crazy, I thought to myself.

I strip down from my clothes and take a quick, but very much needed shower. When I'm satisifed with how clean I feel, I step out of the shower and walk across my room to get to my closet. As I'm walking towards my closet, the newest sticky note, that I stuck to the wall the previous night, catches my eye.


The moment I step into my closet, I notice my brand new lougewear set I had ordered, but had yet to try on. Being the impatient ass-hoe that I was, instead of washing the set first, I hurriedly slipped it on. It was a simple set, only consisting of a hoody and sweat pants, but it was so comfy, definitly not having any regrets from this impulsive buy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2020 ⏰

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