Chapter 1

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Past the trees of the luscious hills is a town. A small town, with a vast flowing river running through the centre, dividing the area of the local high street from the church, a bridge made of warm colours connecting the two halves. Life in this town was fairly quiet. Not many tourists know of this place, but the local life was bustling. Kids dressed in uniforms walked through the high street, chatting and eating foods they had ordered. Some had sandwiches they had bought from the small supermarket, others had pizza slices they had brought from their school cafeteria, others had sausage rolls they bought from a small chain restaurant. Amongst this crazy crowd, mixed with elderly people meeting each other while out shopping and kids enjoying their lunch break, stood a young girl outside of a coffee shop. She had her hand on the glass, staring in, looking for someone. Eventually, someone looked her way - a tall, middle aged woman with her blonde hair in a ponytail who was serving a customer. She acknowledged the girl, nodding as if to say "come in". The girl hesitantly opened the coffee shop door, pulling on it's golden metallic door knob and entering to the smell of roasted coffee beans and fresh bakery goods. She walked over to the counter, her hands hidden in the pockets of the black hoodie she was wearing.

"Is mum here?" The girl asked softly, barely over a whisper. The woman smiled softly after handing a steaming cup to the customer.

"She is. She's in the back." The woman responded, pointing to a door at the back with a sign on it saying "Authorised Personnel Only". The girl thanked her, walking quietly over to the door and gently pushing it open, revealing dark burgundy stairs. She closed the door softly before sulking up the stairs, leading her to a break room where a middle aged woman with long ginger hair sat on a chair. From where she stood, she could spot the corner of a magazine. She walked towards the room then gently knocked on the door, signalling her arrival. The woman turned around, smiling once she laid eyes on the girl.

"Well, Clara! It's a pleasure to see you again!" She stood up and walked hurriedly over, her arms outstretched. Clara accepted the hug of her mother, smiling into her mother's chest, her mother's gentle rose perfume calming her.

"Mum, you see me everyday," Clara giggled, looking up to meet the eyes of her mother. Her mother's earthy green eyes lit a fire deep within Clara. Clara's mother chuckled, placing a hand on Clara's cheek and rubbing it with her thumb softly.

"I know, but I miss you when you're at school." She replied, before placing a kiss on her daughter's head. Clara didn't admit it, but anytime she feels her mother's warmth, her embrace, her slobbery kiss on her head, it warms her heart. Her mother invited her in and pulled out a seat so she could sit down. Her mother walked over to the staff cabinet, pulling out a black mug with a cute white cat on it, its paws outstretched as it grinned widely, its eyes beaming with joy. Clara watched as her mother prepared her drink - pouring milk in and heating it in the microwave in a speed she'd never seen, before reaching back into the cabinet and pulling out hot chocolate powder sachets. She then reached into a small white jar with the word "Sugar" on one side. She pulled a small sugar sachet out from the secret stash. Once the microwave dinged, the door was open before Clara could process what was going on, and her mother was already pouring in the sachets and mixing them into the milk. Once she finished stirring, she tapped the teaspoon she had used against the top of the mug, letting excess mixture drop back into the cup before picking it up and bringing it over to the table, setting it down before Clara. Clara licked her lips, picking up the mug with her hands and feeling the warmth zip through her fingers. She brought the mug to her lips, closing her eyes as she drank the hot chocolate - the taste of bitter chocolate, sweet sugar and creamy milk collided and mixed together in her mouth. "Surely you have something to eat, right, Clara?" Clara opened her eyes, looking over to her mother who looked on with a mixture of affection and concern. Clara set down the mug before reaching into her bag, pulling out a tinfoil package, opening it to reveal a crudely made tuna and cheese sandwich.

"I didn't forget, mum," Clara answered, taking a bite out of a section of the sandwich.

"I thought I told you I could make you your sandwiches..." Her mother sighed, dejected at the poorly made sandwiches Clara began scoffing down.

"No, mum, you already are overwhelmed with baby Tom. I'm fine with doing it." Clara rejected. Her mother shook her head hesitantly, sighing in defeat.

"If you say so." Her mother forced out, smiling as best she could. Clara noticed, feeling a pit of uncertainty eating at her heart. Joys of being too caring about your parents, right? She looked down at her sandwich, silently agreeing with he mother. She hide her emotions, continuing to eat the sandwich and drink her hot chocolate. Clara reminisced of her primary school days - when her mother made her her lunchbox, filled with beautifully crafted sandwiches, perfectly cut fruits to mimic animals and one of her homemade baking goods. Clara smiled, remembering the taste in her mouth. "So, how has school been so far?" Her mother asked, snapping Clara out of her thoughts. Suddenly, the taste of her mother's cooking faded away and was replaced by loud screaming voices, hyena-like cackles and white eyes staring through her. She gulped, silently wondering what to say. Her parents have high hopes for her. She can't let them know. What would they think if they knew, would they worry about her? No, they have enough to worry about.

"Oh, school? It's doing really good!" Unbeknownst to her mother, Clara closed her eyes to hide the tears that threatened to fall from her eyes.

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