Chapter 1

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A bleak cry echoed through a damp hallway that was poorly lit with a couple of candles that appeared to have been used more than once. At first the cry was a soothing ring, but as seconds went by the noise turned into a ear drilling racket that boomed through the whole hallway.

Down in a room stood a couple of nude girls that appeared to be in their teens. Most of them were painted with bruises and faint cuts. It seemed as if they were surrounding a younger girl who was doubled over on the floor coughing blood. The girl was making a high pitch squealing noise as she held her hands above her head, protecting herself from the warden (or that's what they would call the head leader of the building.)

"Stop your whining you no good for nothing whore! Anymore noise from you and I'll feed your skinny ass to the dogs, you hear?!" The Warden threatened as she held a switch in her hand, ready to strike the poor child.

"I didn' it..." the young girl managed to squeak out.

"Didn't do it? Oh! So, you're just saying that the master in this damn orphanage just decided to take you for pleasure? That he was the one who came after you? The woman laughed. "I don't believe such lies! You put him under your hypnotizing spell, you dumb witch!" The Warden spat. She then raised her hand that held onto the switch, then quickly swung it down at the girl, making large gashes in the girls back.

Attack after another the warden kept on hitting the young girl, until a force had stopped her hand. It was another girl who appeared to be eighteen, who had caught ahold of the Wardens arm while in the air to hit the younger child.

"Enough. I believe you made your point. Anymore and that poor child will be killed by your spontaneous outburst of rage over a miscommunication between you and the master. Now, it will be best if you forget this happened and be on your way and then we'll too. I'll make sure non of this will happen again." The older red headed girl spoke out in a authoritative tone.

"Excuse me? Did you just speak out of place?" The Warden smirked then slowly lowered her hand down as she came close to the girl. They were now inches away from each other's face.

"It appears so." the girl held a straight face as she looked deep into the woman's eyes. Without warning the Warden slapped the girl as hard as she could across her face.

"How dare you make me waist my air on a filthy bitch like yourself! For that, I should have you killed." There was then a small pause. "No, I'll have this young girl killed in front of you, then your little friend that you take along with everywhere. Then, and only then I'll kill you." The Warden hissed as she pulled the girl by her Crimson hair.

"That would be a bad idea." The girl smirked them broke free from the woman's grip. She then rammed her elbow into the Wardens stomach, making the woman crouch in pain. "Kiya! Let's go!" The red headed girl called out then kneed the Warden in the face. The other girls yelled out in happiness and began running throughout the building.

A shorter girl with brown hair ran up to the red head then laughed out, "didn't think ya would do such thing, Corra!" The younger girl smirked them nudge the red head. "Let's get the hell out of here before the master takes us!" With that Kiya began running and was followed by Corra.

The girls fought their way through the crowed of naked females as the staff members grabbed ahold of some of the girl to contain them from running. Luckily, Kiya and Cora managed to slip by the staff to make it to an exit. But standing in the door way of the exit was the master.

"I ain't lettin you two girls get away!" The man spat, but before he could advance any closer Kiya swiftly threw her leg up, hitting the man in the groin.

"Damn you're annoying!" Kiya yelled then looked to Cora. "Let's go!" The girls then broke free from the dark broken down building and started off to the woods.

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