Chapter 2

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A darkness began to fall over the sky as the two girls pranced through the woods in their birthday suits.

"So, uh, are we gonna get close? Cause I don't know about you, but I'm freezing." Kiya looked up at Cora who looked as if she was lost in her thoughts. "Hello!? Cora?! Are ya in there?" Kiya jumped up and thumped Cora's head.

"Huh? What is it?" The red head glanced at the shorter skinny girl.

"Where have you been, Stick?" Kiya joked.

"Right here, stubs." Cora laughed and playfully nudged Kiya.

"No shit Sherlock!" Kiya rolled her eyes then knocked on her own head. "I mean in ya noggin."

"Oh, I was just thinking how we're gonna get some cloths and food. What we're gonna do when the time comes. Ya know?" Cora sighed and shook her head.

"No worries! We can just get through these woods and find us a town. Once we do, we steal some cloths, money, and food." Kiya throws her arms behind her head then rests her head against her hands.

"No, Kiya! We don't steal!" Cora snapped.

"Right, so ya want to go around town naked and wait for some shit to happen?" the girl rolled her eyes. "Come in, Stick! Use your noodle! We ain't gonna make it if we don't get what we need!"

"And what you mean is that we steal?Look, stealing is illegal! We'll get caught, Stubs." Cora pushed Kiya.

"Wrong! We could get caught. That doesn't me we will." The girl smirked.

"Are you serious?"

"Extremely! Now let's find a town and get some cloths. I'm freezing my butt off." Kiya slouched over and looked over at Cora.

"All right, all right. If I'm correct there should be one just through this path." Cora motioned to a trail.

"Great! Let's get a move on!" Kiya picked her pace up.

After a few hours the two girls come to the end of the woods where a large town towered over the people. The day has fallen and the moon shone brightly in the ebony sky.

"Great! Now let's find cloths without people seeing us." Kiya sighed. With that, the two young girls made their way around town until they found cloths on a line outside of a small house.

Cora quickly ran and grabbed a tank top, button up shirt and some shorts. While Kiya grabbed a simple button up shirt that was for a boy and a short skirt. Once they were dressed they quickly ran to a dark ally.

"Ya know. I watch those people ride on carriages in their pretty big dresses. They seemed so happy. I wonder if it's really like that." Kiya sighed as she watched a horse carriage trot by. Lanterns where held above doors of shops to light the way on where each other would go.

"Maybe one day we'll find out... but for now, let's get some rest." Cora whispered then gently pulled Kiya over to her and wrapped her arms around her as they sat down. "Get some sleep. We have a big day tomorrow."

"Okay. Night Stick." Kiya somewhat giggled as she closed her eyes and snuggled into Cora.

"Heh, night Stubs." Cora smiles slightly as she fell asleep along with Kiya.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2015 ⏰

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