Character Introduction 2

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Madri : The second wife of Pandu and the biological mother of the twins Nakul and Sahadev.

Pandu : The father of the five Pandavas and younger brother of Dhritrashtra. He couldn't father any of his sons because of a curse that said he'll die whenever he tries to make out with any of his wives. This curse however makes one think if he was actually impotent and the curse was just a cover story on his inability to make any of his wives pregnant.

Krishna Dwaipyan Vyasdev : The biological son of the great seer Parashar and the princess of the fisherfolks; Satyavati. Though born out of wedlock he made a place for himself in the society as the most learned men of all time. The compiler of The Vedas, he is also the author of this epic. He is also the biological father of Dhritrashtra, Pandu and Vidur.

Satyavati : The princess of the fisherfolks, she is the biological mother of Vyasdev (son of Parashar), and Vichitravirya and Chitrangad (sons of Shantanu).

Shantanu : The king of Hastinapur, husband of Ganga and Satyavati. He is the biological father of Devavrata, Vichitravirya and Chitrangad.

Amba : Eldest daughter of the King of Kashi.

Ambika and Ambalika : Younger daughters of the king of Kashi, and the wives of Vichitravirya. They are the mothers of Dhritrashtra and Pandu respectively.

Vidur : Chief minister of Hastinapur with Dhritrashtra as its king. He is a very upright, knowledgeable and trustworthy person. Half brother of Dhritrashtra and Pandu, he is the son of a maid.

Hidimba : The rakshas wife of bheem and mother of Ghatotkach.

Ulupi : A naga wife/acquaintance of Arjun.

Iravan : Son of Ulupi and Arjun.

Shishupal : A cousin of Krishna.

Dronacharya : The teacher of the Kauravas and Pandavas who taught them how to yield various weapons. The son of sage Bharadwaj, he is the father of Ashwatthama.

Kripacharya : The teacher of the Kauravas and the Pandavas who taught them the Vedas and other Shastras. He was the brother of Drona's wife Kripi and he & his sister had been brought up by Shantanu.

Ashwatthama : One of the closest friends of Suyodhan, he was the son of Dronacharya.

Uttar : The prince of the Matsya kingdom, son of King Viraat and Queen Sudeshna; he is also the brother of Uttara.

Uttara :The princess of the Matsya kingdom, daughter of King Viraat and Queen Sudeshna; she is also the sister of Uttar, wife of Abhimanyu and the mother of Parikshit.

Parikshit : Arjun's grandson and the son of Abhimanyu, he succeeded Yudhisthir as the next king of Hastinapur.

Janmejay : Son of Parikshit, he ascended thethrone of Hastinapur after the death of his father.

King Viraat and Queen Sudeshna : The rulers of the Matsya kingdom where, the Pandavas stayed hidden in the last 1 year of their excile.

Pradyumna : Son of Krishna and Rukmini.

Aniruddh : The son of Pradyumna.

Samba : Son of Krishna and Jambavati, he is the husband of Suyodhan's daughter Lakshmani.

Lakshman & Lakshmani : Son and daughter respectively of Suyodhan and his wife Bhanumati.

Bhanumati : The wife of Suyodhan.

Yuyutsu : The son of Dhritrashtra by a maid, who switched sides to be with the Pandavas just as the battle was about to begin. He was made the chief minister of Hastinapur during Yudhisthir's reign.

Kichak : The brother of Queen Sudeshna who lusted after Draupadi and was brutally punished by Bheem for his deeds.

Satyaki : One of the Yadava chieftains who sided with the Pandavas during the war.

Kritavarma : A Yadava chief who had sided with the Kauravas.

Dusshala ( Susshala ) : The only sister of the Kauravas and the Pandavas, she was adored by one and all.

Jayadrath : The husband of Susshala and a very close friend of Suyodhan.

Chitrangada : The princess of Manipur, she is another wife of Arjun.

Babrubhahan : The son of Arjun and Chitrangada, he ascended the throne of Manipur after the death of Chitrangada's father (his grandfather).

Drupad : The father of Draupadi, Shikhandi and Dhrishtadyumna; he was the king of Panchaal and a great friend of Dronacharya.


Dear readers,

I just have one request; as you read this book, don't try to judge any of the characters as good or bad; try to understand the underlying philosophy and thoughts behind each and every action. According to hindu mythology, "every action has an equal and opposite reaction, and you have to pay for each and every one of your deeds before you die". 

Have a happy reading, folks.


P.S. east or west pressing the star is the best. ;) And don't forget to leave a comment ok!?

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