Chapter 24: Home

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Sometimes, we feel like we can't breath when things go our way. Sometimes, the satisfaction is more than what we expect. And sometimes it's hard to just  sit down, and take a deep breath. Because we're afraid that the minute we do enjoy it, it'll all go away. We're afraid that everything we've accomplished, worked for, or earned will go away. Specially when it comes down to love. When we find someone who loves us as much as we do, it's hard to enjoy time with them. To just close our eyes and enjoy time with that person. Because we're afraid that if we enjoy anything, even the slightest bit, it will all go away. 

It was six in the morning on a Monday when we arrived back to Tulsa. We had to get back early since Steve and Soda had work at the DX. We were on spring break so Mer and I were gonna hang out during the day. Maybe go out to lunch or something. Steve stopped at Sodas house, to drop him off so he could get ready. Then, we stopped at Steve's house so he could also get ready. I got out of the car, since I would be driving. Steve looked at me and wrapped a hand around my waist. He looked down and smiled. I smiled too as he pulled me into a soft kiss. "I love you" he whispered. I smiled softly. He pulled away, and walked inside. I got in the car and drove to my house.

Meredith looked at me when we got out of th car. "So you and Steve huh?" She asked.

I blankly looked at her. "What are you talking about?" I asked as we walked inside. I saw Leo walking out of the kitchen. "Ciao bambino," I said as I walked to him. I hugged him and kissed his cheek.

"Ehi basta Elena." He said as he wiped the kiss off his cheek. He always got annoyed when I kissed him on the cheek, so it only made me do it more.

"Ah Leo! Don't be like that." I pouted. He simply smiled and pecked my forehead. "What's your opinion on Steve?" I asked as he walked back to the kitchen and opened the fridge.

"He seems like a good guy. He's smart and hardworking. He seems like he's doing everything he can to make up for past failed classes to graduate. You've been some real good influence on him." He said taking out a soda.

"Why?" He added.

"Oh you know. I just like to know what my big brother thinks of my friends." I nervously chuckled. He simply looked at me and nodded.

"I'm gonna go now. I'll be back later." He simply said before walking out. Mer and I headed up stairs.

"So there's nothing going on with you and Steve?" Mer asked.

"Mer, if you know the answer to that, why do you keep asking me about it?" I asked as I took her hand and we sat on my bed.

"Because I want to hear it from you. I want you to tell me, and tell yourself that this is real." She said smiling. I simply sighed and shook my head.


Dad came home not to late after that. "Elena we need to talk" he said. Mom soon walked in.

"Where's Leo?" She asked. Leo walked downstairs and looked at Meredith and me. Then at mom and dad.

"What's this about?" Leo asked.

"Bambina. Grandma and grandpa are coming to the states. And well..." my mom began.

"They're coming here with the hope that you have someone in mind. And when we say someone-" my dad paused. As if he were trying to let me finish his sentence. I sighed.

𝐀𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐌𝐢𝐨 - 𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐜Where stories live. Discover now