A Re-discovered Pterodactyl

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It was a great day for camping. The sky was devoid of clouds, and the moon shone brightly, as though pleased by the company of the sparkling stars.

"Where do we set up for tonight? It's got to be a good spot, we rarely get holidays, we've got to make the best out of this one," Emma said.

"How about we split up? Let's see, there are five of us. Emma and Juliet can take the right path, me and Peter will take the left one, that leaves.. you, Ronald. Sorry, you're on your own, buddy," Gordon said, looking apologetic.

Ronald suppressed a sigh and smiled, "Sure! I'll, um, stay here?"

"Sounds good!" Peter said, and the four of them left.

Every single time! Why do I have to be the third wheel? I'm not going to let myself get left behind next time!

Snap- came a sound from behind. Ronald jumped two feet into the air, his eyes wide.

Something was rustling in the trees, Ronald slowly crept closer, naturally curious(he was a paleontologist after all, discoveries could be made any time).

Just as Ronald was starting to get a clearer view of the creature, it unfolded huge wings, dark blue in color. It then took off.

Ronald chased after it, trying to get a better look. He had long legs, but even then, he was finding it hard to keep up. He reached a part of the forest with less trees, and hence, a clearer view of the sky.

What he saw surprised him so much that he stumbled and fell back in surprise.

He had seen a... pterodactyl.


How's that possible?! They went extinct more than 136 million years ago! But, I saw one!!! Ronald thought to himself in astonishment. This is a breakthrough. If I manage to capture one, I won't ever be the third wheel again. I'd practically be famous, with press following me all the time. I'd probably be more famous than Justin Bieber!!!

"Ronald, we've found the perfect spot a mile east from here, come on!" Juliet said, all four of them had returned.

"Guys, you won't believe me, but I think I just saw a.. pterodactyl!" Ronald said, a wide grin on his face.

"A pterodactyl?" Gordon asked, looking dubious.

"Yes! We can set up a trap and capture it. They used to eat fish, and we packed fish, we can-"

"Ronald, are you sure? I mean, someone might have already noticed if there was a pterodactyl around. It is a pterodactyl."

"I'm sure! Come on guys, I'll prove it to you. Just help me set up a trap."

And so, they started making one, with lots of fish as bait. Once they finished it, they waited... and waited... then they heard something, oh wait, that was just Peter sneezing, they continued waiting..

An hour passed, and they were going to give up, when the cage they had set up fell on a creature with dark blue wings and a long beak just like Ronald had told! It screeched loudly, clearly upset that it was trapped.

All five of them crept closer, fascinated.

Emma stopped two feet away, suddenly, looking very, very annoyed, for some reason.

"What?! The pterodactyl is right there, Emma," Ronald hissed. "Come on, what if the trap is not secure and it gets away?"

"That won't be a problem because, that's a... pelican."


It really was just a pelican and not a pterodactyl. That figures, considering pelicans have evolved from pterodactyls, but it wasn't a breakthrough. Poor Ronald, all his whims and fancies shattered and he was left standing there.

The others who had been annoyed at first, started laughing heartily.

"Oh, Ronald," Juliet said. "It may not have been a pterodactyl, but, at least you've made this holiday memorable."

Ronald thought about this, and smiled slowly.

Memorable, indeed.

Hey, eArTiNnY here!
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