All of time and space

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    Olivia Ridge made her way to London as quickly as she could. She clutched the pendant around her neck tightly as she ran across the pavement.

    She could feel another migraine coming on, she then remembered that her pills were left at home. She knew she couldn't turn back now though, she couldn't miss him again.

    Her head was pulsing when she reached the building. Because her short stature, she had to stand on her trunk to get a better look. Still, the heads of curious city folk shaded her. In frustration and pain she desperately called out: "Doctor! Doctor I'm here!"

    After a few minutes her voice became horse. As she was stepping down from her trunk, all hope lost, she felt a hand touch her shoulder.

   "Doctor who?" The stranger asked.

    Olivia's heart stopped then began again.  She swung around, tears stinging her eyes and saw him. He looked the same, the exact same. Not even his clothes were different, right down to the bow tie.

     "Doctor! "She hugged him around the waist tightly.

     " May I ask who you are?" His voice was polite but the breath was sucked out of Olivia's lungs.

     " You saved me, 10 years ago?" His face remained blank. "I bit you?" Her voice was desperate.

     "Oh right! That still hurts by the way." He rolled up his sleeve and revealed a fresh bite mark. "You were that little girl I saved from the daleks a few hours ago right?"

      "But, that was 10 years-" Tears filled her eyes in frustration.

      "I'm a time traveler."

      Memories rushed back at her, the strange metal monsters that screamed for her demise, the blue box, the gold light. She collapsed.

     The doctor crouched beside her fevering body. He pulled out a strange device from his pocket, it emitted a green light that he ran along the length of her body.  "You're dying"

    "Oi!" A man called." Is she alright?"

     "She's fine, I'm taking her home right now" The doctor waved him away.

     "We need to get back to the T.A.R.D.I.S. " He put my arm around his shoulder and hoisted me up.

     "T.A.R.D.I.S. " She whispered. "Time and relative dementions in space. Orgin: Galifrey. "

     "Did you say something?" The doctor asked.

     "Doctor: the oncoming storm, the hunter, the destroyer, the raggedy doctor." Words were pooling into Olivia's head." The father of the children of time."

     His steps faltered. "What?"

    "Rose, Donna, Sarah Jane, the Ponds, they're all gone." Her head was burning, " It's your fault."

    The doctor stopped. "What are you?" He growled. They had reached the T.A.R.D.I.S, the doors swung open alone. Still,  not forgetting his kindness, he helped her in.

     Olivia screamed as they passed the threshold. She fell to the ground and writhed, her fingers clutched her pendant for comfort.  The doctor kneeled and held the necklace between his fingers.

     "Where did you get this? " He asked.

     "It...on..the...floor." she wheezed. ""

     "It's a vortex manipulator.  It bends the time vortex so you can travel, but this one is different. It's a part of the Tardis."

     "I...looked into the gold light." Her breath was coming out in short gasps.

    "You looked into the Tardis. That should have killed you! But, the Manipulator. She tried to save you! It wasn't pushing you into the vortex, it was keeping you out." His face fell. "It won't work anymore you know. Not after you've been back inside. "

     Oliva nodded. She had all of time and space living in her brain.

     "I have to find a way to save you." The doctor brushed her hair out of her face. She shook her head.

    "Take it off." She whispered.

    "You'll die."

    "Please. " Tears ran down her face.

    "I'm sorry. " he grabbed the chain, but she launched up and whispered something in his ear. He pulled the necklace off.


Anger coursed through his veins as he put in the coordinates for  Victorian London. He was done helping people. He closed his eyes and leaned against the center console. Why had she said that, what did it mean? All of the knowledge of a T.A.R.D.I.S and she chose that. That one word. "Soufflés"

                         The End.
Note: the story is before  The Snowmen episode and after the Angels take Manhattan so this is between episodes, ment to give the doctor one more reason to be angry

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