The Perfect Life

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If you saw what my childhood was like, you would think that I had the perfect life. I had 2 parents that adored eachother, a pet who would play with me, cool neighborhood kids, A little sister on the way. But, sometimes the life you see on the outside of the house is different then the life on the inside.

Let me explain....... My life was good........ Up until I was 5 and a half and my mom told me she was going to have a baby. She looked so happy. I was so happy to hear the news that I wouldn't be alone anymore. If it was a little brother, I had vowed that I would protect him from the bullies. If it was a little sister, I vowed to help her through any struggles she had: like boys, makeup, our parents fights.

Let me tell you that my mother was super scared to tell father that she was pregnant with her 2nd child. The only child that was not his. Yep. Not so perfect of a family are we now.

She couldn't hide it from him forever. She started to show after the first month. Mother had no choice, she had to tell him. And I was the one to tell him. Mother thought that father wouldn't hit me like he would hit her if she told him. Real classy mother let ur almost 6 year old innocent daughter tell him. Great idea. NOT!!!!!

Father thought I was lying when I told him about Mother's pregnancy. Here"s how it went.

"Hey Daddy." I said

"Yes pumkin?" Father replied.

"I need to tell you something important."

"What is it?"

"Mommy is having a baby. I am going to be a big sissy." I said smiling and spinning in circles. Don't ask why cuz I don't know why I was spinning, but I was.

"No pumkin. Mommy can't have anymore kids. I was only able to give her one baby."

"Mommy told me that she is going to have a baby. She even showed me the stick with a plus sign on it. We even went to the doctors to see if it was real. Mommy started crying."




I ran to my room crying and my face felt ike it was engulfed in flames. My mother came to my room to see what father had done because she heard the screaming.

"Hey my little soldier. Where does it hurt." Mother asked me in a sweet tone

I pointed to my face. I was still crying, my tears fell sighlently onto my lap as my mother looked at my face.

"Oh baby......... you are gonna need some ice and some for your lip." She got up to get the ice packs

I got off of my princess decorated bed, and headed to the mirror on my wall. I looked at my face and already the bruise had started to show. Not only was there a bruise, my lip was bleeding really badly. I thught I  needed stitches. 

Mother took my hand and lead me to the car. She told me to hop in my car seat.

"Buckle up honey. I'm taking you to the hospital." Mother said turning the car on

I put on my own seatbelt and started to cry silently again. Why would father hit me? Mother was the idiot who decided to go to a stupid sperm bank! That's right she didn't cheat on father.

We get to the hospital and mother asks to see a doctor.

"Can I help you Miss?" The doctor came out and asked.

"Yes. My daughter got into a mix up with another kid."

"Oh. I see. Hey sweetie come with me while your mommy fills out some papers." The doctor said. She is female and kind.

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