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ahaha, i'm back! did you miss me?

of course you didn't. lol, no one misses me.

anyway! as you've probably noticed, i have horrible commitment issues and can't stick to one book. my published books haven't been being updated recently because of the 90-something drafts i've been working on behind the scenes.

i know, i'm awful. 

but i'm going to commit to this book! i'm going to start re-writing from the start, but i will finish this one. before we start, though, there are some things you need to know.

first of all, as you've probably noticed, i've made this much more aesthetic (ish). lowercase is intentional!

secondly, there will some lgbtq+ stuff featured in this book. the book isn't focused on it, but there will be side-themes. if you're not okay with this, move along.

next, please don't hate. i try my hardest with these things, and hurtful, negative comments lower my self-esteem to an astronomical degree. that said, if you have constructive criticism, please let me know!

lastly, there are going to be themes here that might be sensitive spots for some people. i will try to put warnings at the start of every chapter i find iffy, but consider this a general warning.

thanks to all the people who read all of this, you're gems <3



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ƈαƚƈԋ ɱҽ ιϝ ყσυ ƈαɳ || ɾ. ʅυριɳOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora