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Hello Dear Readers,

So I have recently come across an old documentary that I have watched in high school. It was by far one of the most interesting documentaries I have ever seen. It was called Supersize Me, and it was glorious. The film followed Morgan Spurlock as he eats McDonalds for an entire month and it gives us a little insight into the fast food industry and their practices in consumerism and farm sourcing, particularly in the follow up film, Supersize Me 2: Holy Chicken. This film gave me two things. 1, I should watch what I eat, and 2, it gave me a reason to write this fanfiction in the first place. This story has two plots (at least main plots), one is the fast food chain working with a new meat supplier and government regulation and the other plot being two kidnapped orphaned children trying to escape a slave farm in Thailand. This will be on the side of a modern au where various characters live on the east coast of the United States. It as an era where Herbert Garrison from South Park, Colorado (pre-trumpified) is president of the United States. There is some political talk since as of the publication of the story 2020, one of the most notorious representatives is still in office. You'll see who I'm talking about as you delve into the story. As a standard disclaimer, I do not own any of the cartoons nor anime used in this story. They are the property of their rightful owners, whomever they are. The following events are purely fictional and have no ties to any persons, laws, nationstates, etc. any relation to other real life peoples and events are obviously coincidental. Some of the relationships and happenings are based off of canon from the shows, but otherwise, it's all made up, ships that appear and events happening to the characters that do not line up with canon are made up, for the sake of entertainment. Also, when writing this, I figured that most of the characters of the other shows were to be taken down a couple of ages, to fit with the whole lore of the story. Most characters will be depicted younger than how they usually appear. This fic is rated PG-13 for description of gore. One more note, this fic will have some talk of the meat and fast food industry. I don't know the standard industry practices, and I certainly am not a real knowledgeable person when it comes to the human anatomy. I just wanted to write a interesting story. I am not against the meat or fast food industry, I am actually quite fond of it. This is not meant as an attack on that industry. With all that out of the way, please enjoy fanfiction. Don't forget to vote, comment, and share this look into the food industry.

Best Regards,

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