Chapter 4: Trial and Error

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   I woke up again, but this time, I was going to be late for school! I grabbed all my stuff and ran out the door with a pop tart in my mouth like every other day. I ran to the bus stop but Blake wasn't there, so I hopped on the bus, alone.

   It was science and Blake still wasn't here. I was worried. What if she is in the Cat Clan now? Did she go to the hospital? Is she- "I'm sorry I'm late, I had a doctor's appointment." Blake walks through the classroom doors with a colorful paper in her hand. She passes the paper to the teacher then sits down.

   We finish science and were headed to the playground when Mackenzie showed up. She ran as fast as she could to us and threw a paper at us. Blake looks up and down at the paper. "What is this?" I ask.
   "Look at it! The Cat Clan ruined it!" Mackenzie points out. She points to all the graffiti and scribbles. "They are trying to ruin our plans!" We stood there in silence for a few seconds.
   "Well we aren't going to let that happen! I have a back up plan!" Blake says with a smile.
   "Well what is it?" I asked.
   "You'll see tomorrow!" Blake winked.
   "Not to burst anybody's bubble," Mackenzie exclaimed, "but somebody unidentified is coming over here!" We turned our head and saw a kid with glasses and black hair slowly walking to us, he looked lost. Blake giggled.
   "So you finally came back?" Blake laughed. The kid looked up, frowned, then nodded. We turned our attention to Blake, he seemed like the happiest girl alive.
   "You know this guy?" Mackenzie says, pointing to the boy. She nodded, and we sat in silence untill he got over to where we were.
   "Welcome back, Noah." Blake says, reaching out her hand. The boy named "Noah" shakes her hand. Mackenzie's jaw drops.
   "What do you mean 'Welcome back'?!" Mackenzie lost it.
   "Well, he used to be in the Wolf Clan-" Blake was interrupted.
   "Well doesn't that mean that he is a traitor!?" Mackenzie grit her teeth, "I don't like traitors!" I sigh.
   "Mackenzie, I want you to know that you are a traitor. You used to be in Cat clan, but here you are." I explain. Well all laugh, except for Mackenzie, of course. Mackenzie tried to make a comeback, but gave up.
   "So, I heard you needed help with your plan," Noah whispers, "I think I can help with that." They whisper back and forth, talking about plans that we weren't allowed to hear because "It's top secret!" This goes on for the rest of the day, me and Mackenzie got excluded from their plan for a full day.

   I got on the bus and we drove away from school. I turned to Blake and asked, "Why can't I know what the plan is?" She looked at me and sighed.
   "I don't want anybody ruining it." I was taken by surprise. "I know it might sound mean, but really, I still don't trust you and Mack." She looked away and whispered, "I don't want to make the same mistake."

   We both got off the bus and went our separate ways. I watched her get smaller and smaller untill she disappeared. I put one foot forward an then the other, until I was running. I didn't even realize I was running, I was just thinking so hard. I don't even remember what I was thinking about, but I was thinking about it!

   I played down on my bed and stared at the ceiling. What was going to happen tomorrow? What if our plan failed? What if this, what if that, what will happen if, what. I went to my phone and texted.

Alex: Anybody up?
Blake: Yeah.
Alex: Of course you are.
Blake: What did you want to ask?
Alex: I don't know, I cant get to sleep.
Blake: have you tried some tea?
Alex: yeah. Just something is bothering me.
Blake: Like what? A nightmare?
Alex: kinda. I have had a lot of dreams of wolves lately. I feel like it's some kind of foreshadowing.
Blake: Maybe it is. Maybe something magical will happen soon? IDK.
Alex: Magical? Like in tv shows and movies?
Blake: That's not what I ment but ok.
Alex: oh, ok. Well, I should probably go to bed now.
Blake: Getting tired already? I'm not even done working on my little plan!
Alex: I'm not really tired, I think I might drink some more tea, read a book about wolves, and then sleep.
Blake: Man, I wish I could do that.
Alex: Alex 1, Blake 0!
Blake: You try working untill 2 am for a change!
Alex: I suppose you got me there.
Blake: I should probably get back to work, I dont want to have Noah tell at me tomorrow.
Alex: Alright, good night! See you tomorrow at school!
Blake: Good night! I want to hear more about these "nightmares" tomorrow!
Alex: I'll make sure you hear ALL about them.

  I plug in my phone and head downstairs to make some tea. Usally, somebody would make me tea, but since we are running out of money, we couldn't have that luxury anymore. I take my tea up to my room and set it down on my wolf themed desk. I head to the library that's just across the hall and pick out afew books. I cross the hall again, but instead of going into my room, I just stood there. I placed the book by my door and went downstairs again. Something felt off. I went down stairs and out the back door. The only things I saw was our huge shed, my father, and the 10 acres of pure forest that we owned. My father slowly stepped toward me.  He spoke softly, "I'm sorry." He went on and on about how much he was sorry. But for what? "I'm sorry, your mother wouldn't be proud of me." This talk went on and on, untill I left. He stood up and went to the shed, and what I assume is work. Just tapping his long fingers on this computer. I went straight up to my room, trying to recollect myself from what seemed like the most confusing time of my life. Then I just went straight to bed. No tea, no reading, just sleeping.

   I was on the ground. I felt like I was being pinned down, but nothing was on top of me. I tried to move my paws, but to no avail, I was really stuck. I looked around but I saw nothing other than trees, bushes, grass, and mountains. Though I saw some movement in the bushes I could not make out what it was. Not too long after seeing afew figures move around, a wolf came out. The same artic wolf I was in the other dream. The wolf howled to the full moon, and then, I saw their beauty. Under the moon light, their fur was glowing like a lamp. Their eyes were the perfect kind of blue, and their paws were perfectly clean. But, everything was fading, into a new day.

Clans United (Volume 1: Wolf Spirit)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora