Chapter 1 - Nope. . Nope, Not Gonna Happen.

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I'm not really sure how I died, was I taking a bath? I do know that I was tired and I was just trying to rest though. The day had been so long and sleep was something that I really needed.

It honestly would've been so much easier for me to just stay dead really. I was already dead, I had nothing more to lose. You can't get more dead then being dead right?

WRONG. I am so wrong it's not even funny.

Gilbert Residence

I know I died, just like I know that I was dead for exactly three minutes before I felt myself laying on something soft and surprisingly, wonderfully fluffy, it almost felt like a sofa.

I hear what I assume is the tv "To repeat, the animal terrorizing Mystic Falls has been caught."

Mystic falls? But Mystic Falls isn't real though is it? No, no it's not, imma try to get back to my nice death nap now. I was snuggled into the possible couch, is it a couch? I think it's a couch. But then I get interrupted by sounds again.

"Aunt Jenna? Are you napping?" I hear a voice ask softly very much like Nina's for some reason.

I let out a long suffering sigh, then I sit up with a long drawn out pout. "Listen Nina, I'm trying to enjoy my death nap."

"What?" She asks confused when she interrupts me. "What are you talking about?"

I look at her and blink, once, twice, three times and then I tilt my head with a frown "Am I supposed to know you?" She is Nina right?

"I'm Elena, you're niece." She says with a worried frown.

I look at her a long moment and respond with a frown "Right, I must of had a bad dream or something."

She swallows thickly, then I frown when I see her look sad and sit beside me, putting her hand on my knee in concern. "Did you hit your head Aunt Jenna? Should I take you to the hospital?"

I frown and look down at my fingers and those are not my fingers, I don't keep my nails this long, they get too annoying to be honest and dirty.

"No, I'm fine." I mutter feeling really spooked out right now.

Elena frowns in concern as the actor who plays Jeremy comes back down and looks at the box curiously, "How much do you think this stuff is worth? You know, on eBay?"

I watch them curiously, oh please, PLEASE don't let this be my afterlife. I don't want to live only to die in a very few short months, that's just so depressing and dull, besides if I want to die I'd prefer to do it my own way you know?

Then the door bell rings and boom, Paul Wesley is here. Fucking hell. Zach should still be alive then right? Please, please, please let Zach still be alive.

Shortly after they all go to do their own things I go and find Jenna's room, her clothes, her keys and . . yeah that's it. I make my way to the door and try it in the cars, when I finally find hers I start it up.

Jenna's car

It's at least 2009 right now I think soo. . GPS!! I'm not sure what their address is though, I guess I'll just explore then.

Now, I just need to find that damn Boarding House place, as long as Zachy, Zach is still alive. It took me half an hour to find it, admittedly it could have been much longer or maybe it was so whatever works I guess.

Salvatore Boarding House

When I finally arrived I was honestly relieved, I got turned around at least twice on my way here or was it three times? I forget sometimes, so many things to think about and to plan you know?

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