Chapter 24

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They arrived on the scene like mice on the trail of cheese, eyes alert for traps, and minds set for extraction. Based on intel that Jazara picked up from the IOB, the group decided that it would be best for everyone else to enter, while Jazara stayed outside to be the lookout. For extra measure, though, Flinch opted to get to the top of the building to scope out the area—locating the guarding Mare's current location.

Flinch scaled a nearby tree that leaned into the side of the hideout, his feet slipping at times on shedding bark. When he made it into the canopy, he realized he still wasn't close enough to the roof to get a good look. He contemplated coming back down, not exactly sure how to close the gap between where he hovered in the tree and the roof. Before he could make a move to retreat, an encouraging voice crackled through his in-ear.

"I know what you're thinking, Flinch, and I just want to say that you weren't given dragon's breath for no reason," Rhoawyn said, giving Flinch a thumbs up when he looked down at them. He sat on her comment for a moment, trying to decipher what she meant by it, and suddenly it hit him. With enough force, he could propel himself forward.

Stabilizing in a crouched position, Flinch closed his eyes and his match-shaped gravemark sprung to life. Collecting just enough fuel within the rounds of his cheeks, he struck his tongue against his teeth and jumped off the tree canopy. Less than a second he hovered midair until his body is propelled forward by the low rumble of fire surging from his lips. Not all dragons needed wings.

When he finally landed on the roof, feet clanging lightly against the slippery metal, he pulled out the binoculars that Eli forced him to bring and searched around the outer perimeter of the hideout. He'd never admit this, but he guessed sometimes that captain of his had some good ideas.

Speaking of said captain...

"Whatcha see kid?" Eli hissed through the in-ear, causing Flinch to groan in annoyance.

"Patience really is a virtue, you know..." Flinch paused, turning his head in all directions to retrieve as much information as possible. "Coast looks clearer than clearer, on all sides except the far west of the building. Everywhere else is just a lot of empty space between a bunch of big machines."

Eli motioned for the rest of the group on the ground to huddle up.

"Alright, gang. Let's get Operation Homewrecker on the road." Eli grinned, patting himself on the back for extra effect.

The group was still huddled, albeit in confused silence. Flinch didn't even make his usual "ooohs and ahhs" when he heard something particularly cool-sounding.

"Congratulations, you've graduated from hopeless namer to nonsensical namer," Rhoawyn teased, placing her hand on the same spot Eli patted just a moment earlier.

"You guys are no fun. How do you not get it? It's the Mare's hideout, their home. And we're about to wreck it."

Flinch's signature reaction sounded through everyone's in-ear as the meaning finally settled into place. Winfrey gave a few nods as if agreeing that the mission title wasn't as bad as he originally thought and readjusted his legs in their uncomfortable crouched position.

"I don't mean to take away from your big moment, but can we run through the plan one more time?" Winfrey urged.

"Okay, if the intel we've been given from the IOB is correct, the dreamcatcher is being held in a heavily secured vault in the exact center of this building."

Eli lightly tapped the wall they were huddled next to. "Remember your roles. Winfrey, you're with Flinch. Rhoawyn's with me. Jaz, you're on your own out here."

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