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the view on the city from one of the highest floors of the hotel made younghoon's mind dizzy. all those beautiful neon lights mixed together to create one blur, despite the darkness emitting from the cloudy sky. he rubbed his eyes.

from his spot on the neatly made bed, perfectly alligned to be across the huge window, younghoon's eyes were glued, staring at the countless buildings way past midnight.

not even those light steps tapping around the main room were able to take his gaze away, even though younghoon was clearly aware of them.

his eyelids felt heavy, yet he was nowhere near being ready to go to bed. not while he wasn't alone, especially around that one damned boy.

pulling his knees closer to his chest, younghoon resisted sparing a few glances over to the boy who seemed to loot the minifridge. oh, how he hated it.

younghoon was aware that the two of them had no belongings with them. allthough they both instinctivley made their long way through the dark city shortly after midnight towards the hotel, younghoon really wasn't sure what part of his brain convinced him to spend yet another night with him.

the fragile body of the other walked past the bed, blocking younghoon's view for a short instant and seated himself on the deep blue armchair at the end of the room next to the balcony. only then younghoon decided to face him.

the blond boy took sips of his newly filled glass of wine between his light fingers. the red color suited his pale skin, a lot. younghoon was obsessed with the sight of him drinking wine oh so beautifully at night.

he gulped when he noticed he was losing himself in the other's face, like always. all the other did was sip his wine, cross his legs and raise his eyebrows.

frowning, younghoon turned his head towards the window again, desperately trying to distract himself from the sight that was choi chanhee.

it would have been dead silent, if it wasn't for the open balcony door next to the younger. sounds of cars driving through the streets filled the room, alongside fresh air which perhaps could help the boy clear his mind...

but no air would be able to do so.

once you fell into chanhee, it wasn't all too easy to free yourself. his petite face with those gorgeous features seemed like tattooed inside your brain.

so grabbing the remote of the small tv hanging next to the closet, younghoon frantically clicked through all the channels, turned away from chanhee, who's eyes he could feel were piercing through his back.

when he finally found a music channel playing cheap jazz music, younghoon dared to turn back around to the sight of chanhee tapping the glass to the beat of the song while whipping his foot up and down and turning his head with closed eyes from side to side.

"fucking stop," he snarled, breaking the silence. the jazz music played happier tunes, probably making chanhee not take him as seriously as expected from the older.

just as he thought, chanhee froze for a short second, yet chuckled afterwards, gulping the rest of the alcohol down before placing the glass onto the marble coffee table.

like a hawk, younghoon narrowed his eyes and followed every move the younger made. chanhee leaned back in his seat, both his hands behind his head.

"if you say so."

chanhee made everything sound so effortless. to one's eye he definitely came over as a minimalistic and simple guy.

his gaze fell back on his own hands. what about himself? younghoon always made sure everything was perfect for everybody. all the effort he put into developing friendships, his hopes building up surely, but all of that always went to waste. so how did chanhee manage to be so perfect?

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