Chapter 4

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He chuckles and hugs me back. It has been so many years since I've seen him. I can't believe that he's here. I thought I would never see him again. I thought I had lost him for good. That night had taken so much away from me but now I know it didn't take everything. I still have my big brother.

He lifts my chin up to look at me better and says, "You haven't been sleeping much have you lil sis? That's one of the first things I'm going to do is make sure you sleep properly." I just shake my head at him. I can't tell him that the reason I don't sleep much at night is because of the nightmares I have in my sleep. He just looks at me with a frown "Why won't you speak? Did those kids threaten you into silence or something? You don't have to worry about them anymore now that I'm here. They won't ever hurt you again lil sis I promise you that."

For the first time in ten years I actually wanted to speak but I can't. I have to keep my promise and not break it no matter how badly I want to. Just because my brother is still alive doesn't mean I can break my silence. How I wish I could tell him all of this in writing but I can't he will just have to deal with me being mute. I took out my pen and paper and wrote a reply that would keep him from worrying. Nick frowned again and shook his head but didn't protest to me staying silent. He took my hand and started walking again.

I didn't look up at him because even after ten long years I still know when he's angry and this time I was the reason for his anger. When we got to my apartment he went straight in and started messing around in the kitchen. I went to my room and started on my homework like I always did when I got home from school. I started with the harder subjects that way I would have less to worry about tomorrow at school knowing full well that I wasn't going to finish everything tonight.

After two hours of doing my homework it was time for me to start getting ready for work. I put my things in my school bag and got dressed for work. I heard a knock at the front door and checked the time. My ride was early today. I came out of my room and walked towards the door only to see that my brother had already answered it. I walked up behind Nick and looked over his shoulder and Monica, my co worker and ride, looked relieved to see me.

"Thank goodness Lizzy. This guy here was saying something about you not coming into work today. He said he's your brother is that true? I thought you said your brother died?" Monica said. I looked at my brother and frowned at him mentally asking him to explain.

"What? I'm not letting you go to work with how little sleep you've been getting. I looked at your work and school schedule. You need a day off and that's today. No buts about it." I just gaped at him and glared at him. I was not going to be bossed around like some kid especially not by my own brother who left me for ten whole years. In response to that I stormed back to my room and grabbed my work bag. I stormed back out into the living room and out the door. Monica followed me as I ignored Nick's shouts at my back telling me to get back inside. He ran after us but he was too late to catch us. By the time he caught up the doors to the elevator were already most of the way shut. We left him standing there like a fool as we went down to the parking lot.


A/N: Hey everyone. Sry for the long wait but chapter 4 of The Mute is finally here. I have just been really busy with graduating, moving, and starting a new job and haven't really had time to upload in a while. I should be more active now bc i got me my very own lap top and I'm really happy with it. I hope everyone is doing well where ever yall are during this covid 19 pandemic. If you have any questions feel free to dm me and I will answer as soon as I'm able to. As always thank you for reading my story. Feel free to check out my other stories too. Thx! 

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