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Chapter Fifteen

~Percy Jackson~

We sat in the medical bay of the tower, my bruises being tended to and Bruce being checked over (it was apparently procedure after each 'hulk-out').

Bruce groaned as the doctor gave him the okay.

"I don't even know what happened," he dragged his hands across his face, displacing his glasses. "One minute I was studying the tensile strength of Spider-Man's webs, the next I'm waking up on the floor of the lab half-naked."

"Hey, man, it's all good. Nobody got hurt," I patted the doctor on the shoulder, then winced as the motion pulled at my bruised shoulder. "Well, at least, not badly."

Bruce made another muffled noise of distress.

"No, this isn't your fault." I told his hands as he covered his face again. "I knew what I was getting into when I jumped into that fight and I have no regrets. Except that maybe I should have listened to Annabeth more about making plans before leaping into danger." Annabeth is always right in the end, whether you like it or not.

"You're sure you don't remember anything? Nothing at all? Not even, like, some hazy blackness in between consciousness?" Stark poked, examining some sort of medical sheet I couldn't read on the holo-table next to us.

"Nope. Nothing."

"And the video feed isn't giving us anything either," he hummed and scratched at his goatee.

I sighed and leaned back in my oh-so-comfy plastic chair (just like a real hospital - don't know if I should applaud or complain).

"I think you should bring this up with the rest of the team," I said.

"But we don't even know what this is yet!"

"Yeah, but Stark, dude, this is clearly some kind of magic-whatever, and you know who's good with that? Thor. Also, I think Clint and I already had an encounter with this stuff."

"What do you mean?" Both of them stared at me accusingly.

"What, you wanted me to mention out of the blue after this serious incident that Clint lost his hearing aids and I found them in some weird wavy purple air, but he doesn't seem to remember?"

The two men murmured out a few noises of acquiescence.

"So he doesn't remember any of it?"

"Don't think so. He remembers looking for his hearing aids with me, and then finding them on the nightstand, but not the weird wavering air they'd been hiding in. Probably some sort of memory magic, I dunno."

Stark sighed, "Guess we'll bring it up to the others. Tomorrow night, once you get back from... school or whatever it is you do. We'll have a family meeting, be all serious, ask the hard questions, the whole shebang."

Bruce groaned again, though whether it was from guilt, his headache or Stark-induced pain, I'd never know.

Short chapter, I know sorry, especially after all this time - but the next one will be posted very very soon! Also this is now cross-posted on AO3, though I'm pacing myself more with putting the chapters up there.

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