~Chapter 1: First day back~

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*your are in Senior year at Gladstone High and you and your best friend Christian Seavey get picked up by Daniel, Christian's older brother so you guys can hang out after school.*

*Bell rings and you start walking to class*

Y/n: Hey, Christian

Christian: Hey, y/n how are you? how was summer break?

Y/n: Yea I'm good I missed you all summer it was pretty boring, we went to the same place we have been going to for years.

Christian: Canada, again?

Y/n: Yea it seems as though it gets even more boring every year, I mean Aiden had the time of his life but only because he found a girlfriend there her name is Alexandra, But anyway how are you? and how was your summer break?

Christian: Yea it was good, Daniel started working on music with the guys and made me help so that was fine I guess, also because your coming over after school maybe I can let you listen to some of the music that they made.

Y/n: Well sounds way better than what I did, and sure I'd love to hear it your brothers music is always the best.

Christian: haha yea, thanks

Y/n: Well I better get to class other wise Mr Dime is going to legit bite my head off, hehe

Christian: haha oosh you have Mr Dime, I have Mrs Cattleline 

Y/n: ha ha, you can stop rubbing it in my face that you have the best teacher in like the whole entire school.

Christian: who said i was rubbing it in your face? haha, catch you later bye

Y/n: haha you doosh bag, see ya later bye

*Bell Rings for the end of the day*

Aiden: Hey,  y/n imma be at the skate park with some friends and then going over to Matt's house, can you let mum and dad know that I wont be home for dinner either?

Y/n: Aiden you know I'm going over to the Seavey's house for the whole night, why didn't you let mum know before you left this morning ugh, I will ring mum when I get to Chris's house.

Aiden: Aright, thanks *hugs you*

Christian: Hey y/n you ready to go?

Y/n: Yea, where's Daniel?

Christian: He is right over there

Y/n: Wow, when did he get a Porsche 718 Boxster and 718 Cayman

Christian: he got it a couple days ago, and you really know you cars don't you hehe

Y/n: Yea well thats life living in a house with my brother Aiden where he doesn't stop talking about Cars, skateboards, dirt bikes and more haha.

Daniel: Are you two waiting for father christmas, come on lets go we can go to Starbucks on the way home.

Y/n: well looks like we better hurry 

Christian: haha yea doesn't look like daniel wants to take his time getting home even though him and the guys have the day off from working on music

* You both get in the car, and 10 mins latter you guys are at Starbucks*

Daniel: Y/n and Chris, what do you guys want to drink?

Y/n: umm... I'll get a Pink Drink please

Christian: I'll get a S'mores Crème Frappuccino Blended thanks

Daniel: Y/n, is the pink drink good I haven't tried it i usually just stick to my original order

*you start to day dream into Daniel's crystal Blue eyes*

Daniel: Earth to y/n 

Y/n: sorry, what was it you said?

Daniel: I said, is the pink drink good I haven't tried before

Y/n: oh, yea it is amazing I'm sure you will love the flavour it has

Daniel: Okay then, "I'll get two Pink Drinks and One S'mores Crème Frappuccino Blended thank you" Daniel said to the cashier

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