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Fuck was that the ship name??? Fucking heck my memory is literal garbage

Tehe, request from affluentprogeny-
The ship is Maki and Kiyo (right? Right. If its not I'll redo it nsonaknudba) idk how good this'll be I sowwy

Don't let me forget about my say no to this fic pls I have such a lit idea-


-Maki didn't Like Kiyo much before (lmao I'm so nice)

-And then one day he piqued her curiosity for some reason

-Soooo she started subtly hanging around him

-Spoiler alert, he caught on :)

-Kiyo started inviting Maki to hang out.

-"Do you wanna die?"

-"No thank you, but you're definitely welcome to join me in my research and such"


-Yeah she went with him

-She hung out with him for a round 3 hours, listening to his stories n such

-She kept coming back :)

-Kiyo was happy about that

-Couple months later, Maki kinda grew attached to him

-Kiyo could sense her feelings from a mile away

-He a smart boi 😌

-He brought it up so casually she was actually stunned


-"mmm, I doubt you'd harm me in anyway. Based on your reaction, my suspicions of you being attracted to me were confirmed"

-She just nervously played with her pigtails after that statement

-she didn't deny it tho 👀

-The two of them listen to each other, and comfort each other when needed

-If anyone calls Kiyo creepy or anything related she'll totally go off on them

-Maki's pretty protective

-she actually??




-So does Kiyo

-Kiyo absolutely adores doing her hair

-Maki adores it

-She thinks it's cute

-Maki Luke's doing his hair as well

-Once they swapped clothes

-Maki actually burst out laughing, and it was the first time Kiyo saw her with that much happiness showing

-Kiyo thinks she's so beautiful!

-He compliments her everyday

-It flusters her a lot

-she gets super happy :)

-Maki just likes to sit in his lap while he reads his history/folklore books

-(I'm really tryin with Kiyo, but idk much about him, I didn't get to finish his free time events 😭)

-Kiyo will sing her to sleep

-Maki tried teaching him how to use a crossbow


-He nearly shot Kokichi while trying to hit a tree

-... Kokichi was about 10 ft. From that tree

-Maki laughed a lot at that one too

-Kokichi didn't


-Maki ran after Kokichi for a good 30 minutes while Kiyo kept practicing with the crossbow

-He did master it after a while

-Maki was proud :)

-They two wholesome beans

-They both deserve love, and they can give it to each other



I'm super super sorry I took super long to write this 😔 I didn't know what to do, bc idk how I feel about this ship-


If y'all got requests, go for it :> the only ships I won't do are Oumeno.

Maybe anything with Ryoma. And anything with Akane/Sayaka. Did I mention these things?? I can't remember, I have one of my neck breaking headaches again, whoops

I probs won't do many females with Kokichi either- idk man. Miu is hella okay. Maybe Kaede? Maki/Tenko only in a sisterly way (just, hush, I hc and ship what I want) oh, I won't do Took x Togami either, it's just abusive and just, ew- sorry if you ship it, but ibfbuabibdi I'm sorry.

Update on my life (even tho no one wants it tehe) my screenshots all got deleted on my phone, and I'm sad, but now I got more memory on my phone so,,, yyyee. I was having problems with Ibis paint for a while and now with more memory I can draw more ^^ annnnd so I joined like 10 dtiys on insta

Y'all should uh,,, follow me. I post art-
@ Star_Be_Real

Okay after my shameless self promotion--

I definitely take requests (actually they're welcomed eeeeee I'm so bored and my brain has zero ideas) and uuuuuuuuuuuh yeah.

Good night, it's 3am fuckin kill me aaaaGGGHHHHH-

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